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Petro should believe the polls

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Petro should believe the polls

Despite the fact that the polls show the growing disapproval of his government, President Gustavo Petro insists on denying the obvious and, on the contrary, he believes, as he wrote a few days ago on his Twitter account, that if he could run for election again , “I would win again”.

That the president does not see what the opinion polls reflect is worrisome, since it means that he does not see the errors of his government nor does he listen to the contrary voices; this, obviously, can lead you to make more mistakes.

The rulers are chosen to represent the will of the people. If the surveys indicate a very great dissatisfaction, this indicates that there is a disconnection regarding the needs and desires of the population.

Although surveys should not be governed by, however annoying their results may be, it is important to pay attention to them as feedback tools that serve to identify opportunities for improvement. By analyzing the results, problem areas or deficiencies in management can be identified, but by ignoring them because they do not say what the ruler expects, problems are allowed to grow.

This is where the way in which President Petro reacts to the polls is most worrying, since his position against illegal armed groups and crime in general, by not allowing the public force to act forcefully, and his insistence on harmful reforms , such as health, labor and pension, as well as the denial of attitudes and practices into which members of his government and his own family have fallen, will not be corrected as long as he continues to view opinion polls as instruments of his enemies, when in truth they are the voice of the citizens.

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Addressing what the polls show on time can prevent the country from falling into a climate of discontent and greater polarization, it is also a matter of responsibility and protecting the stability of Colombia.


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