Home » Prigozhin’s attempt highlighted the essence of the problem, which is economic

Prigozhin’s attempt highlighted the essence of the problem, which is economic

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Prigozhin’s attempt highlighted the essence of the problem, which is economic

The world is in suspense over the latest events of the war in Ukraine. Difficult to understand in which direction the military actions will go after that Prigozhin, arrived 200 km from Moscow, withdrew and disappeared into thin air with his 25,000 mercenaries. The most probable hypothesis, in my opinion, is that Prigozhin tried a coup failing to do so, and that a change in Soviet military strategy emerged in the negotiations with Putin.

I consider the hypothesis according to which Prigozhin and his troops may have retreated to Belarus, from where they are able to attack from the northwest directly Kiev, practically encircling the Ukrainian troops, or even attack the Lithuania.

The news coming from the latter country, which fears aggression and is strengthening its defense, brings up a terrifying scenario in which the proxy war in Ukraine would turn into a direct NATO war against Russia, the outcome of which would be a global holocaust.

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The only faint hope, in this scenario, is the intervention of Xi Jinpingwho, saying that China’s intention is to support the state order in Russia, highlighted the essence of the problem.

And here what I have been saying for over 20 years comes to the fore: if we operate according to the individualistic ideas of neoliberalism, ideas which have unfortunately taken root in the West, and which aim, as the Meloni government, to the rule of the conservatives (who, moreover, have won hands down in Greece), the fundamental effect is that the state is destroyed. In other words, the failure of the established order that can ultimately impose the law by force is obviously what happened in Russia, where, in place of the state, there is a group of oligarchs, hitherto held in check by Putin, who have become private owners of the immense public property of the Russian people.

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In short, the possibility of being able to maintain social order presupposes the availability of the legitimate government to govern and dispose of the entire national economy and therefore the need for the existence of a strong state-owned collective property of the State itself, that is of the People.

The idea of deregulation whereby goods belong to the individuals who occupy them and privatization according to which the public property of all is offered to individuals on the general market, and as far as we are concerned, even on the European internal market, the management of power passes into the hands of the potentates cheap, which they may even have at their disposal mercenary troops.

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The effects are those that occurred in Russia and are those, for Italy, which, perhaps unknowingly, is pursuing the Meloni government, direct executor of the will of the most convinced privatizer of all time, Mario Draghiwho even affirmed, on the yacht Britannia, on 2 June 1992, before the delegates of the London City, that the markets consider the privatization of Italy’s enormous industrial potential to be the litmus test of our government’s submission to the will of the markets .

This is what is happening today even with the proposed approval of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)a consequence of the complete subordination of our government to the Europe of strong states and the United States of America.

Who has eyes to see think about it.

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