Home » 3 absolutely necessary foods so as not to depress the heart and brain after the summer holidays

3 absolutely necessary foods so as not to depress the heart and brain after the summer holidays

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We Italians really have many advantages but also some defects that we just don’t want to eliminate. One of these is certainly the so-called “return anxiety”, that is the stress that takes us after the holidays. From this point of view we are extraordinarily fantastic because unlike many other peoples, we almost manage to spoil our holidays. We are in fact famous all over the world because in just one day we can reduce the benefit of an entire holiday. Here are 3 absolutely necessary foods so as not to depress the heart and the brain after the summer holidays. Without rushing to the pharmacy to buy anxiolytics and sedatives, let’s try to meet our body with the simplicity of the table.

Detoxify to get better

A principle that always applies to the health of our body is to keep it as clean and detoxified as possible. This is also true and above all in the period of return from holidays, in which certainly even at the table we will have a bit out of line. In fact, we remind you that acting on the well-being of the liver and intestines means obtaining 360 ° benefits for the whole organism. So if we have the chance, we fill the refrigerator with seasonal fruit and vegetables. We still take advantage of these weeks in which we will have in fact the presence of many good and beneficial seasonal products.

3 absolutely necessary foods so as not to depress the heart and brain after the summer holidays

Having said about fruit and vegetables, which we can finally consider under a single heading, the other 2 foods that even doctors recommend are:

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Most of us on vacation will certainly have consumed the so-called “refined cereals”, which are the most common ones. So let’s talk about bread, bread sticks, wraps, pasta and desserts of all kinds. We have repeatedly stressed that nutrition science advises against eating these foods too often. In fact, it has been shown that they facilitate cellular aging. The time has come to change course and prefer whole grains at least for a while. Much richer in fiber and nutrients, they will allow our body to purify itself, but without lacking the necessary energy and strength. Let’s not forget that whole grains are much easier to digest and start the metabolic process earlier.

The importance of omega-3 foods

Here, perhaps fish was not lacking on our tables during the summer holidays, especially for those who spent them at the sea. The advice is therefore to continue to feed on it, because keeping the level of essential fatty acids constant is very important for the protection of our health. Let us once again recall the importance of these foods that fight aging, while promoting heart and brain health.


Amazing how they call it weed but it costs nothing and is great for your health

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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