Home » Epstein: Giuffre legal, prince cannot ignore courts

Epstein: Giuffre legal, prince cannot ignore courts

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David Boies, ‘establish the truth once and for all’

(ANSA) – ROME, AUGUST 11 – Prince Andrew “cannot hide behind the wealth and the walls of the palace”: he must answer the accusations of sexual abuse presented in a US court. The lawyer of Virginia Giuffre, the woman who initiated the legal action against the son of Queen Elizabeth, told the BBC.

The Duke of York should allow a jury to decide what happened, lawyer David Boies said. Giuffre claims she was sexually assaulted by the prince when she was 17.

Boies recalled that her client has “tried in every possible way to resolve this dispute” without resorting to legal action and now wants a judge and a jury to hear the evidence.

“At this point, litigation is the only way to establish once and for all what the truth is – continued the lawyer – and litigation is the only way to establish once and for all what the evidence of Prince Andrew actually is “. People “ignore the courts at their own risk”, he concluded: “It would be highly inadvisable for Prince Andrew to ignore the judicial process.” (HANDLE).

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