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Why do nightmares recur | Magazine

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Why do nightmares recur |  Magazine

A Russian clinical psychologist has discovered why some nightmares recur, as well as when it is necessary to seek help.

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Every nightmare carries a hidden meaning, and if it occurs again and again, it can be a sign that a person is prone to fears, severe anxiety and excessive empathy. Why are they so afraid substances appear, what is the deeper reason for their appearance?

Clinical psychologist, cognitive behavioral therapist and somnologist Alexey Melehin says that nightmares can be equally harmful and beneficial. Unpleasant dreams are a protective mechanism of the human psyche, they protect it from various irritations and help to avoid severe stress and nervous breakdown.

If the dreams are such that the person wakes up, their heart beats, they feel nausea and other vegetative manifestations, then this is something that could be a sign of alarm.. These symptoms could indicate that there is some vision disorder in the psyche. That is why it is necessary to determine the reasons that lead specifically to such a nightmare and what causes its recurrence.

Recurring nightmares can be the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), burnout syndrome, separation anxiety, classic perfectionism.It can also be a sign of clinical depression or related to the insecurity of a person struggling with this problem, the doctor explained.

“Nightmares should be treated as a kind of screen that shows you what’s going on. And you shouldn’t ignore them, they don’t just appear,” said Melehin.

According to him, nightmares are often experienced by extremely empathetic people, anxious people or those prone to fear. A somnologist believes that nightmares allow you to restore your “psychological armor” after some trauma, if you felt insecure, were in uncertainty and the like.

If nightmares lead to disruption of the quality of sleep, then you should contact a specialist who will penetrate to the core of the problem and solve it. Neurologist Ana Lacinova also listed some of the indicators of quality sleep, namely at least seven hours of sleep, the ability to fall asleep without sedatives, a good mood after waking up, etc.

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Since we are very active during the day, to constantly receive and “absorb” new information, the nervous system and the whole body need rest. Scientists have determined that at least seven hours of sleep is enough to restore the brain, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and the whole body.


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