Home » Fighting high blood sugar with water is possible: here’s how it’s done | Nobody knows

Fighting high blood sugar with water is possible: here’s how it’s done | Nobody knows

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Fighting high blood sugar with water is possible: here’s how it’s done |  Nobody knows

The importance of water -ifood (photo pixabay)

High blood sugar. Can we really use water to fight it, in addition to drugs and diet? The answer you don’t expect.

Today, unfortunately, many people suffer from high blood sugar or diabeteswhich they treat with a special diet with little sugar, and suitable medicines.

But what is it high blood sugar? They are high concentrations of glucose in the blood. Measured with machines designed for the purpose, or by undergoing specific blood tests, it is considered high when its values ​​in the morning fasting exceed 100 mg/dl and two hours after a meal are greater than 140 mg/dl.

What to do in these cases? First of all, contact your doctor who, after having carried out in-depth examinations, will prescribe the right medicines. Secondly, you will have to change your diet and limit, or eliminate as far as possible, the sugars taken with food.

Health, as we know, also passes through food. But it is true that you can also simply fight drinking water? Let’s find out the truth.

Its importance

The water it is a fundamental element for the life of all living beings, whether they are humans, plants or animals. Now that the first heat has arrived, we know how important it is hydration both to keep our body and brain active and vital. Moisturizing, draining and purifying, we should drink about 8 glasses a day of this miraculous liquid. Basically 2 litres, and even more when it’s particularly hot or after intense physical activity.

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Some people such as the elderly do not feel much or thirst stimulus, ending up dehydrated without realizing it. In these cases it will be good to organize the day, for example starting in the morning at breakfast. One water is recommended iposodic, that is, with few salts, unless there are different needs that the doctor will establish. But it will not be necessary only to drink. Different foods also contain water, they are rich in it, such as many types of fruit and vegetables. For example apples, pears, peaches and apricots, which they don’t even contain lots of sugars.

Water and lemon against hyperglycemia-ifood (photo pixabay)

Fighting blood sugar with water?

But as far as the opening speech goes, well, we really can fight high blood sugar with water? According to a study recently published in theEuropean Journal of Nutritiondrink water mixed with lemon juice lowers blood sugar reducing the average peak blood glucose concentration by 30%. It dilutes blood sugar and helps to excrete it in the urine.

So green light to water, lots of it, paying attention, as mentioned, to the sodium content. In fact, most people with diabetes and therefore hyperglycemia at the same time also develop a state of hypertension. Then prefer a type of water low in sodium but rich in magnesium which, as they state on the portal dedicated to the disease: “Improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic control in certain forms of type 2 diabetes.”

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