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Red meat, false beliefs about health: international studies reveal its benefits

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Red meat, false beliefs about health: international studies reveal its benefits

Finally clarity has been clarified regarding the false beliefs about the consumption of red meat. After years the truth has emerged.

More and more Italians are choosing to eliminate meat from their diets. Among the main causes of this choice there is still a prejudice concerning this food, according to which it would be bad for your health. But what does the research say about this topic? Can meat really harm?

Red meat contains nutrients rich in protein, essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins in particular those A and B12, as well as iron and zinc. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen to tissues and organs, and is found in large quantities in animal sources. Furthermore, the vitamins contained in meat are very important for human growth, for example that B12 is essential for the correct development of the child’s psychomotor structure.

A lack of this vitamin can lead to stunted growth, learning and speech delays. For this reason, women are advised to consume meat already during pregnancy, because it is a food rich in lipids and fatty acids. Having said that, does meat really hurt?

Is red meat bad for you? There are conflicting theses in this regard

As mentioned, it is a food rich in nutrients for health, but be careful: this does not mean that it can be consumed daily. As with any food it should be eaten with moderation, under no circumstances can excess bring benefits. The consumption of meat should be regulated on the basis of age, weight and general health conditions.

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What are the risks of eating red meat? (tantasalute.it)

Certainly for a long time there has been discussion about the possible correlation between the consumption of red meat and the risk of developing it tumors. Some experts believe there is a link, especially if this food is eaten every day or almost. But, even in this case reference is made to excessive consumption, it must also be said that just as many professionals do not share these theories.

To conclude, therefore, it can be said that red meat can be eaten in peace at least twice a week. Its consumption should not be excessive, since according to some it could increase the risk of the onset of various pathologies. In any case, given that everyone has a state of health that differs in terms of characteristics and the possible presence of pathologies, it is important to contact your doctor to ask for clarifications and to know exactly what is the ideal quantity of meat to consume in a week.

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