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Bank of Italy, a mountain to climb for Panetta: here are all the pitfalls

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Bank of Italy, a mountain to climb for Panetta: here are all the pitfalls

Panetta, Gentiloni and Lagarde. Photo Lapresse

Bank of Italy, all the challenges awaiting Governor Panetta

Fabio Panetta will be the next governor of Bank of Italythe decision was made official yesterday by Cabineta choice in continuity with the line Draghi by Prime Minister Meloni to replace the outgoing Ignazio Visco. But his task ā€“ we read in Repubblica ā€“ will not be easy, the pitfalls that await him are many: from the rate hike in the EU, al Pnrr until a month.

Not to mention his battle against colleagues hawks on the board of the Bce and its history fight against cryptocurrencies. In Frankfurt, he will leave a chasm. Very listened to by Christine Lagardehe has been insisting for months because the ECB you donā€™t strangle the growth in order to satisfy the fear of inflation of the Nordic colleagues. Never hawks are predominantly. And they ignore even the most obvious signs that interest rate hikes are choking growth and unnerving markets. Moreover, in recent months Panetta has always been the first to become a lot explicit towards the companieswhen the ECB began to understand which side of inflation current is due to their greed: ā€œWe risk one profit-price spiralā€œ.

Read also: Bank of Italy, CDM starts the process of appointing Fabio Panetta as governor

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Panetta ā€“ continues Repubblica ā€“ has been carrying on for years one fight against cryptocurrencies. According to the next governor, bitcoins and the like, if not regulated by a central bank, are comparable to a colossal casino. But one of the merits of him as a formidable popularizer was also to debunk the thesis of the 5Stelle who saw in bitcoins the salvation of the people plundered by the Scrooges of Palazzo Koch. ā€œThere are those who ask to restore the ā€œmoney to the peopleā€ taking it away from the Bank of Italyā€, he chuckled. I would like to remind you, she sank, that ā€œthe Bank of Italy transfers the proceeds deriving from seigniorage ā€“ many billions every year ā€“ to the Italian State. And then to the peopleā€œ.

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