Home » ‘Bogotá Local’ opens registrations to support entrepreneurs

‘Bogotá Local’ opens registrations to support entrepreneurs

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‘Bogotá Local’ opens registrations to support entrepreneurs

From is June 29starts a new edition of the District strategy ‘Bogotá Local’which in recent years has been the key engine for the business creation and entrepreneurship promotion in the capital. The deadline for registration is defined by each location and depending on the available places.

There are two ‘Bogotá Local’ programs that open registrations this season: ‘Local Microenterprise’which aims to economically strengthen formal and informal microenterprises through business and commercial tools, and ‘Impulso Local’which seeks to strengthen existing enterprises in the popular economy and train informal vendors and entrepreneurs to formalize and develop their businesses.

Since its inception, this program has fostered hiring and maintaining jobs in local populations with high unemployment rates and difficulties in accessing job opportunities.

Local microenterprise

‘Local Microenterprise’ is the program that has reactivated microenterprises in times of pandemic, and now wants to contribute to their productivity and consolidation through technical assistance, and monetary incentives of up to $10 million. For this new edition they will benefit 874 companies in the course of 2023, with an investment of more than 8,000 million pesos.

Benefit is aimed at: Micro and small local formal and informal companies that meet the requirements established to be selected. Micro and small companies that are part of the prioritized proposals for participatory budgets, ethnic agreements and differential population indicated by each of the Local Development Funds and that meet the requirements established to be selected.

Impulso Local

Local Impulse aims to strengthen the enterprises of the popular economy of the family productive units and/or populations dedicated to traditional activities that allow generating income (self-employment) in the localities participants. This program also provides financial incentives of up to $3 million. This year they will benefit 3,242 entrepreneurs with an investment greater than 15 billion pesos.

Participating locations: Usaquén, Chapinero, San Cristóbal, Suba, Usme, Bosa, Kennedy, Fontibón, Teusaquillo, Puente Aranda and La Candelaria.

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The total investment of the ‘Local Impulse’ and ‘Local Microenterprise’ programs exceeds 155,000 million pesos, with the expectation of benefiting more than 18,000 productive units during this administration.

How to sign up?

The registration process for both programs will be carried out through the page www.bogotalocal.gov.co, from virtual and free. Remember check the requirementsof each one of the programs before initiating the registration.

On the page you will find information related to the program and a link that refers to the registration form; You should NOT make any payment. The person will be considered registered when they fill out the entire form and have uploaded all the required verification documents.

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