Home » Usa 2024, JFK’s nephew threatens Biden: can the populist Dem fool Trump?

Usa 2024, JFK’s nephew threatens Biden: can the populist Dem fool Trump?

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Usa 2024, JFK’s nephew threatens Biden: can the populist Dem fool Trump?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announcing his candidacy in the Dem primary

US elections 2024, the challenge of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s nephew to Joe Biden is concrete

From JFK to RFK. A new Kennedy could enter the history of American politics. Or at least that’s the goal of Robert Francis Kennedy Junior, nipote di John Fitzgerald Kennedythe famous president assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Well, Kennedy Jr. has decided to break the delay and openly challenge Joe Biden in the Democratic primary in view of the November 2024 elections. Objective: to become the next president of the United States.

This is not a simple boutade that can be dismissed as an unrealistic attempt. Despite positions very distant from those of his line-up, Recent polls show 20% of voting intentions for JFK’s nephew in the Democratic primary. A high percentage, which could rise further after the recent official entry into the field. The last scion of the Kennedy dynasty, already 69 years old, seems to be among Biden’s emerging rivals.

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The anti-vax activist with a celebrated Democratic lineage has emerged with a unexpected strength in early polls even as it spreads conspiracy theories and partners with right-wing figures and billionaire donors. Democrat support for Mr. Kennedy serves as a reminder of Democratic voters’ desire to find an alternative to Biden after the president’s recent glaring signs of weakness.

Environmental lawyer, Kennedy Jr. he has been speaking since 2005 of the alleged link between vaccines and autism, and is the founder and president of Children’s Health Defense, a vaccine advocacy group. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, his popularity has grown enormously, even though many of his theories have been discredited by the scientific community. Much of Kennedy’s public health criticisms and writings have targeted prominent figures such as Anthony Fauci e Bill Gates. Between radio and books, he launched an attack on the political-health establishment.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and left populism to beat Trump

Do you remember anything or anyone? Donald Trump, Exactly. Here, Kennedy Jr. seems to be a full-blown response to Trumpism from the left. So much so that for some he could be the right candidate to neutralize Trump and beat him on his own ground: populism. It’s hard to see common ground between Kennedy’s views and those of Biden or his party establishment.

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