Home » The policeman who shot the 17-year-old in Nanterre has been arrested. At least 150 arrested in clashes in France: prison attacked

The policeman who shot the 17-year-old in Nanterre has been arrested. At least 150 arrested in clashes in France: prison attacked

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The policeman who shot the 17-year-old in Nanterre has been arrested.  At least 150 arrested in clashes in France: prison attacked

Has been put in provisional detention the police officer who shot the 17-year-old in Nanterre for failing to stop at a checkpoint. It was to communicate it Pascal Prache, local prosecutor, indicating that after listening to police officers and analyzing the videos at his disposal, the judge considered that “at the current state of the investigation the legal conditions for the use of the weapon were not met”. Meanwhile it was another night of fire in the French suburbs. In the riots they were at least 150 people arrestedas the Minister of the Interior reports, Gerald Darmanin, who spoke of a night of “intolerable” violence, while 170 officers were injured. And the president Emmanuel Macron it has decided to resort to more stringent measures which will be decided during the meeting of an interministerial crisis unit (Cic). “Scenes of violence” against the “institutions of the Republic” that they are “unjustifiable”commented the head of state.

A Mons-en-Baroeulnear Lillefor example the protesters partially burned down the Town Hall local. According to the mayor, Rudy Elegeest, “about fifty hooded individuals” fired fireworks at the building. The situation “hardly” calmed down around 4:30 in the morning. Darmanin condemned “the intolerable violence against the symbols of the Republic”: “Town halls, schools and police stations” were “set on fire or attacked”, wrote the minister on his Twitter account. “Shame on those who didn’t call for calm,” he added. Meanwhile, “all ‘non-priority’ trips of ministers of the French government are postponed until further notice”.

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During the night, the post at the entrance was also attacked by about twenty people wearing balaclavas Fresnes Maximum Security Prison, near Paris, with use of fireworks. The attached station gives access to the residences of the prison overseers, to the women’s section and to the infirmary area of ​​the penitentiary. As soon as the attack was launched, the alarm sounded, according to what can be seen on various videos posted on social networks. “No one has entered the prison enclosure – the sources assured – the police were immediately called”. Videos online also show fires being set along the path leading to the prison.

However, the authorities managed to limit the damage, thanks also to the deployment of as many as 2,000 policemen and gendarmes in different areas of the country. The first tensions were recorded at Toulouse and in Lille, with dumpster fires and objects thrown at the police. A jeep was set on fire in a district of Toulouse. Riots also in Lille, with a vehicle on fire, while a peaceful procession went through the streets of Nantes to the cry of “Justice for Nahel”. In Nanterre, where the young man was shot by a policeman who had stopped him, several public and private buildings were damaged, a fire was started in a building and a bus was set on fire not far away, Grigny. To keep the situation under control, the prefecture of the region has authorized the use of drones to “capture, record and transmit images” relating to any accidents.

According to government reports, they are 170 agents were injured in the night. “All those who spit on the police and justice are the moral accomplices of what is happening,” the justice minister said today, Eric Dupond Morettivisiting the court of Asnieres-sur-Seine, near Paris, damaged this night during the clashes. An employee “neared being burned to death last night,” said the Minister of Justice.

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Also at white march organized in Nanterre by the victim’s mother, tensions arose between demonstrators and the forces of order in the vicinity of the prefect’s office. Second The Parisian, riot police officers used tear gas against protesters. The march, according to police estimates, would have been joined by about 6,200 people. In local media images of the crowd stand out signs with slogans such as “Police kill” o “justice for Nahel” and “for Nahel and for all the others, no peace without justice”. Also in the procession was Nahel’s mother, wearing a T-shirt with the words ‘justice for Nahel’, a smoke bomb in her hand, cheered by the crowd.

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