Home » From school unions to stewards and university students: protest against the green pass is mounting

From school unions to stewards and university students: protest against the green pass is mounting

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There is the revolt of the school unions against the obligation of the Green pass for staff and above all against the heavy penalties provided for those who do not comply. Enough “diktat”, “the school does not reopen by decree”, is the message launched in the last hours. There is no shortage of discontent among the stewards who work in stadiums or events: “We do not check the green certificate”, they warned. And there is the no of a part of university students, currently a minority. At the beginning of the week, about twenty girls and boys from Sapienza gathered in assembly to discuss the forms of protest to be put in place in view of the resumption of lessons with the obligation of the green certificate. The initiative was promoted by a group on Telegram (“Sapienza contro il green pass”), which has almost 4 thousand members.

School unions in revolt: stop diktat on the Green pass

A few days after the entry into force of the new decree that extended the obligation of the green certificate for a whole series of services, protests are mounting from some categories. The school is in the front row. Unions criticize the decision to consider non-compliance with vaccinations or tampons unjustified absence. with the consequence that from the fifth day the suspension for the teacher or the janitor is triggered with loss of salary. that is, if they let those who are not okay with the new rules into school. The government, highlighted in a unitary document the six acronyms representing the whole sector (CGIL, CISL and UIL, Snals and Gilda and Anief), decided in a “unilateral” way, despite – they stressed again – the open discussion between the administration and trade unions for some time to find useful solutions to restart the school in the presence.

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The stewards: we don’t check the green certificate

To say no to the green certificate is also the category of stewards. “The Viminale circular generates erroneous interpretations – recalled Ferruccio Taroni, president of the National Association of Security Delegates – We are suggesting and will continue to suggest to the delegates of event management, during the committees for public order, to use different people , therefore not steward, for the control of the Green pass. We will only intervene in cases where it will be necessary to show an identity document. There are already few stewards to check tickets. The companies will have to make use of volunteers, such as retired law enforcement men ”.

Green pass at the canteen, first company strike

The obligation of the Green pass to access the company canteen, which the government has in fact equated to restaurants, will trigger the first strike. The RSU Fim-Cisl has proclaimed two hours off work for Friday 13 August for the 650 employees of Hanon Systems of Campiglione Fenile, a Turin-based company specializing in electronic components.

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