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The antechamber of Alzheimer’s comes with these signals and these factors increase dementia

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Alzheimer’s is one of the worst diseases in man, because it leads to progressive dementia with signs that are felt well in advance. Some very recent discoveries have highlighted how the onset of dementia and its acceleration are linked to a specific cause. These studies indicate that the antechamber of Alzheimer’s comes with these signals and these factors increase dementia.

We live longer and better than we did 50 or 100 years ago. Paradoxically, this has led to a surge in Alzheimer’s cases around the world. Statistics indicate that in 2050 as many as 115 million people worldwide will be affected by Alzheimer’s, 320% more than today.

Alzheimer’s is a subtle neuro degenerative pathology that is accompanied by other pathologies apparently not related to the brain, such as, for example, hypertension. Recent research has come to the incredible conclusion that there is a hitherto unknown link between this body factor and the risk of Alzheimer’s. We will discover in the article which other widespread pathology favors the onset of this dementia.

The antechamber of Alzheimer’s comes with these signals and these factors increase dementia

Alzheimer’s manifests itself over time with apparently insignificant but clear signs. The first sign occurs with memory loss and a gradual decrease in mental clarity. This first stage is called Subjective Memory Disorder (CMS). The subsequent worsening, which could occur in a few years, leads to Mild Cognitive Decay (MCI). In this state, remembering and memorizing becomes more and more difficult, this is the antechamber of Alzheimer’s. It will take between 5 and 8 years to pass from MCI to full-blown dementia and in 20% of cases the doctor will diagnose Alzheimer’s.

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After the bad news, here are 3 good news. The first is that about 20 years pass from the onset of the first signs to the implementation of the most advanced state of dementia. The second good news is that by changing our lifestyle it is possible to delay if not prevent the onset of dementia. The third is that a study found that diabetes is responsible for cognitive decline. In fact, several studies show the close link between insulin resistance, diabetes and the onset of dementia.

Among these researches, an impressive study involving over 10,000 people demonstrates this perverse link. The study is called the Maastricht Aging Study and was conducted by the University of Maastricht. This research involved 13,000 people aged 40 and over for 12 years. The results collected show that people with diabetes have a much greater predisposition to dementia than those who do not have diabetes. In particular, the study shows that patients with diabetes 2 have a speed of cognitive decline greater than 300%. On the other hand, those requiring insulin injections have a decline greater than 400%.

An unimaginable signal

As we have read, the signs of dementia show up well in advance, helping us in prevention. A healthy life and proper diet can help prevent dementia. Among the signs that can make you think about Alzheimer’s, one is truly unimaginable as mentioned in the article An incredible discovery could help prevent Alzheimer’s even before the onset symptoms with the possibility of effective prevention. And always in the prevention phase, be careful not to eliminate this molecule from the body that defends us from Alzheimer’s and dementia.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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