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Pension, INPS slip is chaos: how much is the fourteenth month worth?

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Pension, INPS slip is chaos: how much is the fourteenth month worth?

ROME. The mess of the July pension slips challenged by the CGIL? This is how the INPS, 24 hours later, explains the new wording with which, in some cases, it has unified the fourteenth salary under a single heading with the increase in minimum pensions, giving the impression of apparently increasing the amount of arrears. “It was a mistake” they let it be known.
“Retirees who in July 2023 will receive the so-called fourteenth month and the increase in pension equal to or less than the minimum treatment can consult their slip in which the two items are identified separately” begins a note from the Institute.
Which he then specifies: «In the slips the two sums are now identified respectively as FOURTEENTH – LAW 3 AUGUST 2007, N.127) – CREDIT YEAR 2023, and INCREASE LAW 197/2022. Each of the items corresponds to an explanatory note at the end of the slip itself. As for the wording “increase in low pensions 2023”, this was “erroneously reported for a small number of pensioners, it was changed in order to simplify the reading of the various specific amounts”.
The note from the Press Office concludes by explaining that «these specifications had already been communicated to those entitled both by SMS to mobile phones, and with notification on the MyInps section of the website www.inps.it, and via email. It should also be remembered that the increase in pensions of an amount equal to or less than the minimum INPS treatment is recognized with effect from 1 January 2023 until December 2024. The additional sum, the so-called fourteenth, however, is paid with the month of July 2023 and is carried out ex officio for subjects for whom the income data useful for carrying out the processing are available in the Institute’s databases. To those who complete the personal data requirement from 1 August 2023 (pensions managed in the integrated systems) or from 1 July 2023 (pensions managed in the public management systems) to 31 December 2023, and to persons who became pensioners during the 2023, which fall within the age and income limits set forth by law, the fourteenth month will, as usual, be automatically assigned with the December 2023 installment”.

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That of the INPS is «a right and necessary choice on the part of the social security institute – comment Ivan Pedretti, general secretary of Spi CGIL and Tania Scacchetti, national secretary with responsibility for social security. The two leaders of the pensioners’ union had raised the case, worried by the confusion and uncertainty that was arising given the many requests for clarification already made by pensioners and pensioners». «We reiterate that the fourteenth is not an increase and has not been defined for 2023 – they wanted to recall -; it has been due since 2007 under certain income conditions and from the age of 64 and is an important conquest of the confederal union of pensioners. The restoration of the correct wording in the slips is therefore good news. For the SPI, the need to obtain answers remains, already in the next budget law: the purchasing power of pensioners must be protected, also through the enlargement of the number of beneficiaries of the fourteenth salary and its economic adjustment. The government will find the necessary resources”.

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