Home » Chinese High-Quality Fruits Gain Popularity in the Market, Adding Sweetness to Life

Chinese High-Quality Fruits Gain Popularity in the Market, Adding Sweetness to Life

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Chinese blueberries, cherries, kiwis, and other high-quality fruits are gaining popularity in the market, providing consumers with a sweeter and better life. As the fruit products flood the market during midsummer, consumers have noticed a shift in the availability and quality of domestic fruits. In the past, these high-quality fruits were mainly imported, but now more and more domestic choices are available.

China is already the world‘s largest producer and consumer of fruits, and as domestically produced fruits continue to improve in quality, consumers can enjoy high-quality and low-priced fruits for a longer period of time. This transformation in the fruit industry is allowing consumers to have access to a wider variety of fruits and at more affordable prices.

One example is the decrease in the price of blueberries, which were once considered precious and expensive. Lao Li, who is in charge of food purchases for his family, noticed that the price of blueberries has recently become more affordable. He realized that most of these blueberries are now produced in Yunnan and are just as good in taste, size, and freshness as their imported counterparts.

This shift towards domestic fruits is not a coincidence but rather the result of overall improvements in the domestic fruit industry. Companies like Hainan Xiyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. have been introducing and cultivating new and exceptional fruit varieties, leading to an increased supply of domestic fruits in the market. According to Liu Chengxin, the deputy general manager of the company, the proportion of domestic fruits in large retailers has increased from 10% to over 30% in the past decade.

The booming market demand for fruits in China is a driving force behind the industry’s transformation. China’s fruit output is estimated to be around 300 million tons in 2021, making it one of the largest fruit producers in the world. However, per capita fruit consumption in China still has room for improvement compared to developed countries. To meet the demand for high-end and high-quality fruits, China also imports a large number of fruits, which supplements the domestic supply.

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To meet the increasing demand, the domestic fruit industry is diversifying its offerings. For example, Chinese durians will soon be available to consumers for the first time, breaking the belief that China cannot successfully grow durians. While it has taken many years to overcome the technical challenges of growing durians in China, the potential of the market has motivated practitioners to keep trying. The import of durians in China has been steadily increasing, with exponential growth expected in the coming years.

Similarly, the cultivation of blueberries in China has expanded rapidly to meet the growing demand. With China becoming the largest producer of blueberries globally, more than 20 provincial-level regions in China are now involved in industrial blueberry cultivation. Companies from the United States, Australia, and China are heavily investing in Yunnan, the main blueberry-producing region in China.

The focus on meeting consumer needs has been the key to the fruit industry’s transformation. From planting to sales, the industry has been driving the rise of domestic fruits by prioritizing consumer preferences. This approach has led to an increase in the overall fruit-growing area in China, providing consumers with a wider selection of fruits, including traditional ones like apples and pears.

As the domestic fruit industry continues to improve and expand, consumers will have access to more high-quality and affordable fruits, enriching their lives with a variety of flavors and options.

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