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Beware of this bad habit that worsens the mood and has really serious consequences

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Anxiety and depression are two of the most common disorders in modern society, especially among rich countries. In fact, their incidence is much higher in high-income countries and this is linked to a different lifestyle. In particular, a link has been shown between sedentary life and depression, in which the former encourages the latter. In fact, for several years more and more people have been working either from home or in the office, but still reducing the time on the move to a minimum.

Yet a sedentary lifestyle can have very significant consequences.

Beware of this bad habit that worsens the mood and has really serious consequences

A sedentary lifestyle is an increasingly widespread lifestyle, especially in rich countries, as more and more people work while stationary. While working seated may seem comfortable and restful, there are actually proven physical and mental health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Among them, one of the worst and most prevalent is depression.

In fact, the more you sit, the more you risk suffering from anxiety and depression. The more you isolate yourself, the harder it is to overcome these negative states and the situation gets worse.

Plus, playing sports helps you cope better with stress and bad days. In fact, physical activity is often suggested to treat mild depression. By doing so, various beneficial processes are activated both for the mind and for the body that give a sense of serenity.

Among the various advantages of a less sedentary life there is a psycho-emotional well-being, due to the fact that one feels fit. In addition, practicing sports regularly promotes the maintenance of a good memory and a more reactive and young mind.

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In addition, sports activities promote the release of dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and endocannabinoids, which together regulate mood.

Effects in children and adolescents

It is essential to pay attention to this bad habit which worsens the mood and has very serious consequences, especially in children and adolescents. In fact, exercising regularly as a teenager reduces the chances of suffering from depression and anxiety, both in the present and in the future. Also because children need to be outdoors and in good company, to live peacefully and to develop social skills.

For all these reasons and for all the physical problems that a sedentary lifestyle can promote, regularly practicing physical activity is the best thing to do.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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