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Croats sell donuts for Nina | Info

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Croats sell donuts for Nina |  Info

The story of the “girl with donuts” Nina Ninković completely delighted everyone who heard about the noble intention of this mature young lady to earn money for the treatment of her sick father Zoran by selling donuts.

Source: Twitter/Dragana Prica

Now that story has crossed the borders of Serbia, and in neighboring Croatia, two noble people decided to help little Nina. As can be seen on social networks, in the town of Kraljevica near Rijeka, two brothers decided to sell donuts in order to collect funds and send them to the Ninković family for the treatment of Zoran, Nina’s father.

From the stand where it was clearly stated that donations were being collected for Nina’s father, the smell of homemade donuts beckoned everyone to come and help themselves, but also to leave as much as they could and felt they should.

As stated in the description on social networks, there were also tourists from Novi Sad who approached and donated money with great pleasure. A total of 650 euros was collected, which will be paid to the account of Zoran Ninković. Also, the two humanists would like to get in touch with Nina’s family and invite them to visit Kraljevica and be their guests when Zoran successfully recovers.

The gesture of 11-year-old Nina Ninković touched many, so this girl, it can be said freely, moved the boundaries and united people in kindness, and the best thing of all is that she managed to collect significant funds for her father’s treatment, while the Ministry of Health expressed its willingness to finance everything necessary for Zoran Ninković to recover as soon as possible.

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By the way, the state decided to help Nina’s father, so he traveled to Moscow for treatment, and little Nina went with him.


02:30 “MY GOAL IS TO HELP DAD TO GET HEALED!” Mother did not believe in the idea: Nina sells donuts and lemonade for treatment in Moscow Source: Kurir television

Source: Kurir television


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