Home » Water retention, the link with posture that many ignore

Water retention, the link with posture that many ignore

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Water retention, the link with posture that many ignore

Water retention is a very common problem for women, however the importance of posture is often ignored among the causes.

Two very simple words, yet a problem that grips millions and millions of people: water retention. In fact, it is not only women who fall into the ‘trap’ of this annoying disorder, but even men.

A real ‘drama’, therefore, often caused by genetics but also by hormonal factors. It is precisely for this reason, therefore, that it is of fundamental importance understand and understand the causes and also the consequencesso as to act immediately for the well-being of the organism.

Water retention and posture: the link

Water retention and cellulite are not just skin blemishes, but real diseases affecting the microcirculation, caused by a problem of the fatty tissue and the subcutaneous layer of the skin. What appears as excess fluid in the tissues often accompanied by real holes is, in reality, the result of a degenerative process caused by a multiplicity of factors.

Why it is said there is a link between water retention and posture (tantasalute.it)

Among the causes, there are hormonal factors, dietary habits and genetics, but also walking and posture. But be careful: with this term, you don’t just have to think about how you walk and the shoes you use, but also about the way you work or sit. Especially when the back muscles are contracted, the spine tends to flatten, altering posture in general and having a direct consequence on the microcirculation.

What appears to be a cosmetic defect is therefore a skin disorder with an important consequence for the back. The alteration of circulation leads the blood to slow down in some areas of the body, not properly oxygenating the tissues and causing a stagnation of tissues and liquids, which should normally be expelled from the body. When this doesn’t happen, everything remains permeated between the skin fibers, giving rise to water retention.

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Among the factors that can determine the appearance of this blemish, there’s also wearing the wrong shoes for a long time, sitting for many hours, never taking breaks to stretch your legs, and a lack of physical activity. Wrong posture leads to a total imbalance that can affect the feet, legs and even the teeth. So, it is never to be underestimated. Furthermore best to avoid always wearing high heels and sitting at the chair correctlywith elbows supported, head straight to the screen and not hunched over and feet raised.

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