Home » In Chocó, the Registry linked 364 people to support the registration of citizens

In Chocó, the Registry linked 364 people to support the registration of citizens

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In Chocó, the Registry linked 364 people to support the registration of citizens

⮚ The related personnel will assume the position of administrative assistant and will be registering citizens in the 429 voting stations set up throughout the department from July 5 to 13.

The National Registry of Civil Status linked 364 supernumeraries in the department of Chocó to support the process of registering citizens in the 2023 territorial elections, in which departmental and municipal authorities will be elected for the next four years.

The people elected will work as administrative assistants for the elections, that is, they will be there temporarily and their duties will be to register the identity cards of the people who have changed their place of residence and wish to update their polling station, during the special week for citizen registration. which will take place from July 5 to 13.

During these nine days, the supernumerary personnel hired by the National Registry will be available in the 429 urban and rural polling stations set up for the document registration process.

It is important to highlight that, in the department of Chocó, new polling stations were created: in Quibdó (4), Medio San Juan (1), Riosucio (5), Litoral del San Juan (4), Istmina (1) and Carmen del Darién (3), which citizens may take into account when registering or updating.

Citizens who wish to carry out this procedure may go to the polling station closest to their place of residence, to the five Mobile Registration Points set up in Quibdó (El Caraño Shopping Center, Technological University of Chocó, FUCLA, Casa de la Justicia and old Mercames supermarket) from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or to the different offices of the Registry throughout the entire Chocoano territory.

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If for some reason you forgot your polling place, you can enter the website of the entity www.registraduria.gov.co in “Check my polling place”. There you can validate the positions of the department by municipality and by address.

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