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Operations against crime will increase in Buenaventura

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Operations against crime will increase in Buenaventura

The Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, announced forceful measures to deal with the criminal threats that afflict the Special District of Buenaventura.

During a security council at the Casa de Nariño, the Minister revealed that the capabilities of the Public Force in the port will be increased and a security council will be held this week.

Minister Velásquez affirmed that the presence of the Military Forces and the National Police in Buenaventura will be reinforced, especially in the sectors and communes that have been most affected by the violence. The objective is to achieve concrete results in terms of restoring tranquility in the city.

In addition, the Minister stressed that the National Government supports the agreements established between the port gangs, but made it clear that this does not mean a decrease in the actions that must be taken against all manifestations of criminality.

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The Director General of the National Police, General William Salamanca, highlighted the progress made in the fight against crime in Buenaventura. Although he acknowledged that personal theft and personal injury have increased, he noted that an 18% reduction in homicide rates has been achieved in the city.

During this year, the Police have made more than 290 arrests of people involved in criminal proceedings, in collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation. In addition, more than 100 illegal weapons have been seized. Recently, in a joint operation with the National Army, ten criminals from the ‘Los Shottas’ gang were captured and rifles and small arms were confiscated.

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General Salamanca reaffirmed that control of the port is in the hands of the Police and that no concessions to criminality will be tolerated. Citizens can have the confidence that the authorities will continue working tirelessly to guarantee the safety and well-being of all the inhabitants of Buenaventura.

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