Home » “Seized money and bullion returned to driver from Prigozhin.” But it is not known where the head of Wagner is

“Seized money and bullion returned to driver from Prigozhin.” But it is not known where the head of Wagner is

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“Seized money and bullion returned to driver from Prigozhin.”  But it is not known where the head of Wagner is

They had been seized on June 25, in the aftermath of the attempted revolt of the Wagnerall’Hotel Trezzini of St. Petersburg, held to be the office of Yevgeny Prigozhin. And now, writes the headline Your font Of St.Pietroburgoall the money eh gold bars they have been returned. The reasons are not known, adds the newspaper, recalling that since the kidnapping Prigozhin he explained that he needed the cash to pay the salaries of the militiamen Wagner and compensation to the families of the fallen. TO Prigozhin around 10 billion rubles (109 million euros), several hundred thousand dollars and five gold bars had been seized. On June 25, 5 kilos of White powder unidentified, which has not been mentioned since. Nor Your font mentions it. THE rubles they had been found in two vans parked under two hotels St.Pietroburgo, the Trezzini Palace and the River Palace. According to the sources of Your fontbanknotes and bars were delivered on Sunday evening to St.Pietroburgo to a driver of Prigozhin in possession of a power of attorney. The whereabouts of the head of the are unknown Wagnerwhich according to the Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko would have reached Belarus. Your font writes instead that on Sunday evening, when the restitution took place, Prigozhin was located at Mosca. In any case, after a week of silence and while the mystery about his whereabouts persists, the head of the Wagner on 3 July he returned to being heard in a 40-second audio to announce “new victories at the front in the near future”. A message that raises even more questions about his fate, also for the methods of diffusion: no longer on the channel Telegram of its holding company Concord, but come on Grey Zoneanother channel, and only one, of the galaxy that revolves around the Wagner.

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Also there brevity of the audio suggests a very different reality from when, before the attempted mutiny of 24 June, Yevgeny Prigozhin launched long invectives and threats against the military leaders of the Russiaconveyed by the official channel of Concord, Press-Sluzhba Prigozhina. Now the former cook of Kremlin has barely time to reiterate that the advance undertaken towards Mosca it was “a march of justice aimed at fighting traitors and mobilizing society”. But the number one goal of Prigozhin, the defense minister Sergei Shoiguspeaking today for the first time about what happened, denounced the plans to destabilize the Russiastating that they “failed because the armed forces showed loyalty to their oath and their duties”.

“Today we have need of your support more than ever, thank you for this ”, he continues Prigozhin in his message, addressing no one knows who: whether to the Russians in general or to the militiamen of the Wagner. Nothing is known about the fate of the latter either. It is unclear how many of them have decided to follow their boss in Belarus. Nor is it clear on which “front” the private company should obtain the “new victories”. In recent days the chairman of the commission Defense of the Duma, Andrei Kartapolovhe had said that the Wagner would no longer be used Ukraine. Still Grey Zonehowever, writes that the militiamen of the Wagner they are already training, even with the use of tanks and heavy weapons, near Osipovichisoutheast di Minsk. The fact that the audio was not broadcast by Concord’s Telegram channel seems to confirm the ongoing process of dismantling the not only military but also media and commercial empire of the head of the Wagner. And now thousands of employees of the Concord they could risk their jobs.

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