Home » These are the (wrong) habits that keep us from losing weight while on a diet

These are the (wrong) habits that keep us from losing weight while on a diet

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Photo credit: Ellieelien su unsplash

No need to get nervous and lose your temper. If we are on a diet, but despite all our efforts we cannot lose those annoying inches around the waistline, we are definitely doing something wrong. Perhaps unintentionally, something is preventing our body from collaborating as we would like. Below we have identified 9 wrong habits that, in the context of a low-calorie diet, push their foot on the wrong pedal, that of the brake!

Do not seek help from a specialist

Contacting a professional, who has all the necessary tools to guide you on a healthy and lasting weight loss path, is the fundamental step to take to reach the goal.

Photo credit: jamie matocinos - unsplash

Photo credit: jamie matocinos – unsplash

An excessively restrictive diet

Drastically reducing your daily calorie intake allows for fast weight loss, that’s obvious. But an excessively restrictive diet, in the long term, is deleterious since we will have theillusion of losing weight when in reality we are alone losing muscle mass and not the reserves of fat. If our body does not have the necessary calories to burn, it tends to preserve fat reserves to be able to reuse them later. At this stage our metabolism slows down since it has to adapt to caloric reduction. This results in a quick recovery of the previously lost pounds and possible weight addition.

Demonizing carbohydrates

Eliminating carbohydrates from the diet often results in immediate weight loss, but in reality what is lost is nothing but water. In fact, carbohydrates are substances that require the body to retain water, fewer carbohydrates means less water and consequently less weight, but no less fat. Furthermore, the absence of carbohydrates can increase the sense of hunger, which leads us to consume more fats, which are however more caloric.

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Photo credit: Son Stoica - unsplash

Photo credit: Son Stoica – unsplash

Get little sleep

Lack of sleep causes our bodies to produce higher doses of ghrelin and less of leptin. These hormones stimulate the appetite (the first) and satiety (the second). If we sleep little, we will not only be more tired, but also more hungry. In addition to the damage, the insult!

Go shopping on an empty stomach

Avoid going to the supermarket on an empty stomach. This situation favors the purchase of ready-made or precooked products, baked goods, sausages, foods that can be consumed immediately, without being cooked.

Photo credit:  joshua-rawson - unsplash

Photo credit: joshua-rawson – unsplash

Don’t play sports

We will never tire of writing it: physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Not only diet (understood as habits to feel good), but also sports to be practiced at least three times a week for forty-five minutes. A valid alternative to the gym can be a brisk walk, a light jog, but also a series of exercises that you can do comfortably in the living room.

Drinking too much

We are not talking about sugary or alcoholic drinks (we assume that, within a healthy and balanced diet, they are taken very sparingly), but water. Don’t believe it? Unfortunately many people believe by ingesting a lot of water, of fill the stomach, fool hunger and lose weight.

Photo credit: Andrew Ren - Usnplash

Photo credit: Andrew Ren – Usnplash

Consume many light products

Light, light, 0% fat. The fact that a food is included among those “light” at an unconscious level authorizes many people to increase the portions, since the sense of guilt, which usually slows down in the face of traditional counterparts, disappears. Instead of cutting calories, you run the risk of introducing more.

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Be in a hurry

You have just started the diet and already would like you to read minus 5 kilos on the scale. But be careful, so that weight loss is healthy and lasting it takes time. Do not be disheartened if you do not get everything immediately, try to gradually introduce changes to your lifestyle, without suddenly upsetting it.

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