Home » What is known so far about the cocaine found in the White House

What is known so far about the cocaine found in the White House

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What is known so far about the cocaine found in the White House

Was it really found in a busy area?

In the last few hours, a version has been released from various officials involved in the investigation into cocaine in the White House, which ensures that the substance was found in a cubicle near the west executive entrance of the White House, and not in the formal foyer of the west wing.

For greater accuracy, it is said that the cocaine was found near the ‘Situation Room’, a place from which national and international crisis monitoring and management is carried out.

“The cocaine was found in an entrance area between the lobby and a lower-level lobby, the sources said. The entrance is near where some vehicles are parked, such as the vice president’s limousine or van. It is one floor below the main offices of the West Wing and on the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining room,” read NBC News, a local outlet that follows the case.

Before the new version presented to the public, the press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, did not confirm the exact place where the substance was found, since both are at a good distance and one is more secure than the other, which that would give a twist to the story, inferring a greater closeness of the substance to the closest filters of President Biden.

With information from EFE Agency.

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