Home » When baldness is linked to a pathology: how to understand it

When baldness is linked to a pathology: how to understand it

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When baldness is linked to a pathology: how to understand it

Baldness can be an exclusively aesthetic factor or something related to a pathology: the signs that make the difference clear.

Baldness manifests itself as hair loss, which can be given by an initial thinning and concentrated on the nape or hairline or it can be generalized. When all the hair is missing then we speak of alopecia but this also affects all the other hairs on the body.

Baldness can be caused by a matter of genetics and familiarity or it can be linked to pathological issues or even to chemotherapy and drugs, resulting only in this mostly temporary.

Baldness linked to a pathology: how to understand it

The condition affects men, women and even children. if, in fact, a person commonly loses about 100 hairs a day out of the approximately 100 thousand who are in the lead, in these subjects the loss is greater, developing over time a real problem. Baldness is typical of men, especially on the temples, forehead and top of the skull.

How to understand the onset of baldness (tantasalute.it)

In addition to one genetic issue on which it is clearly difficult to intervene, there are also causes of pathological origin such as: thyroid dysfunction, scalp infections, diseases such as lupus or psoriasis, use of drugs, stress and anxiety, use of products or continuous heat on the hair or bad diet.

Baldness can also occur at a young age, if the cause is a genetic factor there is no way to prevent it. There are hormone treatments, therapies, hair products but they are only ways to avoid the problem and not make it too visible. If instead this it takes over suddenly or seemingly in a strange way and too advanced, it is better to seek medical advice because it could also be linked to thyroid disease, diabetes or psoriasis.

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There are several cases that lead to this condition. THE treatments, when it comes to hair loss related to a pathology, they are possible and even functional. You don’t need hair creams or “miracle” creams in these cases, mind you. In fact, with special supplements, hair growth can be restored and hair loss stopped.

For serious situations there is however the aid of surgery and transplantation which can solve the problem even with excellent results. However, it is a moderately invasive and even dispensing practice, especially when there are large areas to be treated and not just the hairline.

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