Home » Police Seize 800,000 Pesos and Drugs in Arrest of Three Individuals in Juarez City

Police Seize 800,000 Pesos and Drugs in Arrest of Three Individuals in Juarez City

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Police Seize 800,000 Pesos and Drugs in Arrest of Three Individuals in Juarez City

Title: Police Arrest Three Individuals with Illegal Cash, Ammunition, and Drugs in Ciudad Juárez

Date: [Insert Date]

Location: Juarez City

In a recent operation, authorities from the State Public Security Secretariat (SSPE) in Juarez City arrested three individuals found in possession of a substantial amount of cash, ammunition, and drugs. The detainees, who were driving a 2017 Jeep, were apprehended in the Lomas de San Jorge neighborhood.

Upon inspecting the vehicle, police officials rejected a bribe of 100,000 pesos offered by the individuals in exchange for their release. Subsequently, the officers verified the vehicle’s details through the Sentinel Platform, leading to their decision to proceed with the appropriate legal action.

During the protocol search of the car, a backpack was discovered containing 700,000 pesos in cash. This amount, combined with the bribe offered to the officers, totaled a staggering 800,000 pesos of suspicious origin. The individuals failed to provide proof of the money’s legal acquisition.

In addition to the large sum of cash, the authorities found a substantial number of ammunition and drugs inside the vehicle. The confiscated items included 93 7.62 by 39 caliber cartridges, 14 9-millimeter caliber cartridges, 41 .40-caliber cartridges, eight .380-caliber cartridges, a bag of marijuana, and 20 cocaine wrappers.

Following the necessary legal proceedings, the police handed over the detainees to the public prosecutor’s office of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE). The individuals are facing charges related to the operations of illegal funds, violations of federal control of firearms and explosives, crimes against public health, and promoting illegal conduct.

The arrest serves as a significant blow to criminal activities in Ciudad Juárez, showcasing the dedication and determination of the State Public Security Secretariat in safeguarding the community’s well-being.

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Authorities in Ciudad Juárez will continue to combat organized crime and maintain the rule of law, ensuring the safety and security of its residents.

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