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Rapid heart rate: Possible causes and when to see a doctor

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Rapid heart rate: Possible causes and when to see a doctor

The different types of rapid heartbeat: what causes them and when you need medical attention.

Many people can feel their heartbeat speeding up, and while these can be quite annoying, it is often nothing to be alarmed about. In some cases, however, that feeling is the indicator of a problem that should not be underestimated. To establish exactly the origin of the acceleration of the heartbeat there is a diagnostic tool and that is theECG ie the famous electrocardiogram.

This exam records the electrical impulses of the heart and their rhythm in order to understand what is the cause of the acceleration of the pulsations. We have to distinguish between:

Palpitations o cardiopalmo: Occurs when heartbeats are felt in the chest area in front of the breastbone, throat or neck. In this case, it is not a worrying symptom but a passing phenomenon not deriving from pathologies.Tachycardia: Occurs when the increase in heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute at rest. In this case, special attention is needed because there may be a serious disturbance in the electrical activity of the heart.

Possible origins of the rapid heartbeat and what are the symptoms that should not be underestimated

If the increase in heart rate occurs in specific and sporadic situations, the causes may be considerable physical effort, excessive meals, high temperatures, smoking habits, emotional stresses, menopause and potassium deficiency. This is simply a physiological reaction and does not indicate heart or other conditions.

Rapid heartbeat: probable causes and when you need to see a doctor (TantaSalute.it)

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Possible pathological causes instead they are: atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, conditions determined by tumors and infections, hypertension, valvular disease, heart failure, chronic lung disease. Other causes may be linked to diseases not related to the heart: anemia, hypocalcemia, low blood sugar, panic attacks, thyroid problems, adrenal medulla tumor.

In these cases just mentioned, the symptoms of the rapid heart beat are much more lasting and frequent. They may also be accompanied by dizziness, chills, shortness of breath, sudden weakness and vomiting. It is precisely in the presence of frequent episodes that you need to contact your doctor or cardiologist, who will ascertain the cause of the disorder and establish the appropriate therapy.

Through the history, physical examination, investigation of symptoms, auscultation, laboratory tests and possible tests such as ECG and monitoring according to Holter, the doctor will make the diagnosis and will decide the appropriate treatment.

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