Home » The fight against InDriver, Cabify and Uber continues in Santa Marta: they immobilized vehicles

The fight against InDriver, Cabify and Uber continues in Santa Marta: they immobilized vehicles

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The Mayor’s Office Santa Martathrough the Secretary of Multimodal and Sustainable Mobility continues to carry out strict controls to eradicate the installment irregular of the service of transport public individual passenger service offered through digital platforms.

“According to the legislation in Colombia, everything that has to do with the use of private vehicles for public transport is classified as illegal transportation; For this reason, complying with the norm and based on the requirements of the circular that the Superintendency of Transportation has sent to all transit agencies in the country, we continue working on carrying out operations towards those who use platforms such as In Driverwhich are not authorized to provide this service,” said Ernesto Castro Coronado, Secretary of Mobility.

Through these controls, it is sought to deactivate said platforms as InDriver, Cabify and Uberremembering that it is not allowed for private vehicles to be used for the provision of individual passenger transport service and much less, for them to be used by type vehicles taxisince this practice lends itself to modifying the rates indicated by the district decree that establishes the measurement with a taximeter.

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“With the new circular, the sanctions for immobilization can be given for up to three months and the opening of research towards the actors who commit this type of infraction, during the month of June there were 27 vehicles immobilized by this practice, we continue working in order to be able to show a city that works in pro of legality”said the official.

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In the same way, Castro Coronado added that the drivers that provide this service will carry Economic sanctionsthe immobilization of their vehicles, until the suspension of the licenses of driving.

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He also recalled that legality contributes to the security y tranquillity of the samariostaking into account that taxi companies are regulated by the local government.

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