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Libertarians and SMEs in action

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Libertarians and SMEs in action

Small and medium-sized businesses are generally the germ of a business idea that drives work and growth. The weakness of management and the difficulty of access to financing usually make its journey short. On 2/19/21 we expressed from these pages that the libertarians are perhaps building an SME, perhaps to sell it once the electoral polls are settled and it is possible to negotiate a price (“Political Violence in Argentina today”).

Months later, on 11/25/21, we affirmed that the electoral Pyme had already been built and the negotiation with sectors of the opposition was underway, although we would never know its price (“How the Argentine ultra-right is built”). Well, after a couple of years, the two main referents of his concluded in those statements: one of them agreed with the main opposition coalition, which he systematically attacked during his administration and even days prior to joining it.

The other referent, that of the chainsaw plan, the sale of organs, the bomb to the central bank, the coupons to choose schools, hospitals and public universities, the free purchase and sale of weapons, the elimination of public works, I build one more SME robust and proprietary.

In different provinces, disenchanted voices are raised (assuming the existence of a leader and that politics is one more merchandise that is bought and sold) who claim to have had to pay thousands of dollars to buy a candidacy, deliver positions in provincial legislatures , exchange sexual favors and meet the expenses of the entourage that accompanies the messianic leader, already an old instrument of national and foreign economic powers. In the second note we talk about the international support of the candidate, originally anointed locally by a large Argentine corporation. The production of one of the most important channels in the country was designed for the presentation (in a nightly prime time program) and public disclosure of the character who shouted rudely, attacking anyone who dared to contradict him, broadcasting numbers “on the air” and alleged phrases from economic authors. that they imported the revealed truth to save the country from “the political jets”.

The very phrase “political caste” was an idea of ​​media production, while a candidate was being built amidst the anger and apathy, the confusion and anguish of the pandemic and the inheritance received from a country indebted in 33 months (2016-2018). ) in dollars as never happened in that magnitude and time in the modern world economy. And the particular thing: a substantial part of those dollars for debts were exchanged for profits in pesos and fled the country.

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Now, to pay with adjustment. Why is this not spoken clearly on TV and social networks, if it is precisely what makes us poor? The scandal is better, the jerks saying atrocities and macaneos throwing numbers or phrases that nobody understands, but presenting it as “the anti-caste” savior who brings the revealed truth of the freedom to do what one wants, as in a “state of nature “animal where in the jungle each one can be saved with the single tool of freedom.

Up to what point can one work through the media on the subconscious of human beings through the irrational media impact, their fears and their anger. Let’s see the final spectacle of this social engineering project that was set up in our country to move the axis of political discussion and confront each other – and I mean the great majorities who strive to live more with dignity or try to advance in their endeavors – seeking the enemy next to us, when in reality the causes of failure are other.

We Argentines are not hate, we are not a lack of solidarity, but we are individualism and the absence of a collective project. In every club, office, factory or collective space – as certainly in politics – there are people who exclusively seek their economic interest or personal power, above all else.

This has been happening since the end of time, but politics is the only instrument of change in power relations, in economic relations. And politics is not a product, it should not be bought and sold like a carrot, as those who have just used that argument to attack it have claimed to enrich themselves by selling positions and fulfill a role that was pre-established for them.

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The curtain has fallen, the gigantic work of a far-right discourse has been revealed in its political and social plot in its true essence. The question now would be: how far did that ideology reach us?

Lawyer. Professor at the Faculty of Economics UNCO.

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