Home » the Municipality of Ferrara confirms the significant reduction in the fees for school buses going to the institutes in the hamlets

the Municipality of Ferrara confirms the significant reduction in the fees for school buses going to the institutes in the hamlets

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MUNICIPAL COUNCIL – Thirteen primary schools are affected by the concessions. Registration for the service by 26 July 2023

The municipal project which provides for a 100% reduction in the variable portion of the school transport service fee for pupils of all primary schools in the Ferrara districts will also be confirmed for the 2023/24 school year. To support local families and encourage enrollment in smaller institutes located in inhabited centers with fewer residents, the City Council has in fact approved, also for the school year starting next September, an allocation of 19 thousand euros, targeted to reduce the school bus portion of the service charge by 100%., for all families who choose to enroll their children in the primary schools of the hamlets. Only the annual fixed fee remains due for each ISEE bracket.

“Concrete support for families residing in the hamlets – explains the municipal councilor for public education Dorothy Kusiak – which reaches the third year. Approximately 130 students are affected every year by the subsidy which relieves families of the costs incurred to reach the institutes closest to their homes and also aims to protect and promote the services offered by small schools in areas with fewer of the people living there”.

Thirteen primary schools are affected by the concessions: Franceschini (Porotto), Fondoreno, Carmine della Sala (Pontelagoscuro), Villaggio Ina in via Indipendenza 44 and in via Battara 51 in Barco, Mandela (Francolino), San Bartolomeo, Gaibanella, San Martino, Baura , Pontegradella, Bruno Ciari (Cocomaro di Cona) and Quartesana.

“Families – still recalls the councilor Kusiak – have until 26 July next to register for school transport, which represents, together with school meals and pre-school meals, a fundamental service guaranteed by the municipal administration for the access to the school system To make these services increasingly functional and responsive to the needs of families, among other things, the municipal administration has recently introduced new regulations that have simplified their use by taking into account the needs of users and introducing specific actions to combat arrears, providing for the regularity of payments as a requirement for access”.

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For the registrations for the next school year for school transport, school meals and pre-school services for state kindergartens, primary and lower secondary schools, it is necessary to access, by 26 July 2023via the site www.comune.fe.it/edufeal portal sosi@home with the SPID or CIE credentials of the declaring parent (all the info on ChronicleCommune of June 17, 2023).

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