Home » Hunan Media’s Journey to Madagascar: A Story of China-Africa Friendship and Media Integration

Hunan Media’s Journey to Madagascar: A Story of China-Africa Friendship and Media Integration

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Title: China’s Hunan Province Embarks on Media Integration Development with Innovative Approach


The rice harvest season has arrived in Mayiki, Madagascar, an island country in East Africa, where residents are joyfully celebrating the fields of hybrid rice. The rice seeds, originating from Hunan, China, have traveled thousands of miles to reach the African nation.

In light of the upcoming third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, a news video titled “Entering Africa | Madagascar: A Journey of a Grain of Rice” was released. This captivating story of the Hunan hybrid rice seed highlights the enduring friendship between China and Africa, bridging the gap of thousands of miles across mountains and seas. It also showcases the innovative prowess of Hunan’s media professionals, exemplifying the province’s commitment to media integration development.

Content is King: Strengthening the Production of High-Quality Content

Hunan has taken General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important remarks on media integration development to heart and has expedited the deepening of media integration. The province has created new communication platforms, developed new mainstream media, expanded the influence of mainstream values, and continuously strived to explore its unique path in media integration development.

One of the notable endeavors in this regard is Hunan Daily’s “Out of the Sea·Into Africa” integrated media reporting series. The initiative, which aligns with Hunan’s active participation in the “Belt and Road” construction and China-Africa cooperation, covers various aspects such as hybrid rice, infrastructure, construction machinery, and e-commerce. By providing immersive experiences through “reading,” “watching,” and “listening,” the reports have garnered significant attention, including 12 full-page graphic reports, 9 mid-term videos, and over 40 short videos.

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Hunan Radio and Television’s Role in Media Integration Development

Hunan Provincial Radio and Television Station, as the largest provincial radio and television media in China, has consistently focused on content quality. The station has launched a range of all-media branded programs, including “Leading the New Journey” and “Leading Thoughts.” These programs, along with other media products that are popular and suitable for network communication, have significantly enhanced the credibility, guidance, influence, and appeal of Hunan’s communication efforts.

Taking Technology Leadership: Empowering Innovation for Integrated Development

Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV, in collaboration, created the music and cultural exchange program “Sounds of Endless Treasure” Island Season. The program garnered widespread acclaim, with over 8.69 billion video broadcasts and 8.56 billion Weibo topic readings. The adoption of technologies such as 4K high-definition picture quality contributed to the program’s success. The breakthrough in achieving cost-effective 4K shooting and transmission was made possible through Hunan Radio and Television’s self-developed systems, saving nearly 90% of the production cost compared to offline modes.

Hunan’s commitment to technology leadership and innovation is evident in the continued advancements across various fields. The province’s technical team of nearly 700 individuals has facilitated the application of complex new technologies in long video production, resulting in high-quality content such as “China,” “Dancing Storm,” and “Endless Sound.” Additionally, Hunan Radio and Television’s AIGC (artificial intelligence production content) video automatic stripping technology has significantly improved the attractiveness and production capacity of short videos, with daily production exceeding 6,000.

Optimizing Integrated Development with Innovative Approaches

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Hunan’s media service functions have expanded as a result of technological empowerment. One notable initiative is the creation of the “Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket” and “Xiangnonghui” platforms, aimed at solving the difficulties faced by agricultural product sales. These platforms have successfully marketed special agricultural products such as Yanling Huangtao and Baojing Gold tea, benefiting nearly 40,000 peach farmers in Yanling County by increasing their per capita income by 12,000 yuan by 2022.


Hunan Province’s media integration development reflects its commitment to innovative approaches and content excellence. With a focus on high-quality content production, technology leadership, and integrated development, the province continues to strengthen its position as a prominent media hub. The efforts by Hunan Daily, Hunan Radio and Television, and other media entities have not only showcased the province’s unique path in media integration but also demonstrated its dedication to fostering strong cross-cultural friendships and exploring global opportunities.

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