Home » The “Studying in Chemnitz” website facilitates study orientation | TUCcurrent

The “Studying in Chemnitz” website facilitates study orientation | TUCcurrent

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The “Studying in Chemnitz” website facilitates study orientation |  TUCcurrent


TU Chemnitz answers many questions about studying in the information portal www.studium-in-chemnitz.de and also offers further advice and information

Four Chemnitz students, a TU employee and a graduate give the information portal a face. Florian Semmler, who studies media communication at Chemnitz University of Technology, can be seen in the picture. Screenshot: Homepage www.studium-in-chemnitz.de / Photos: Jacob Müller

Got your high school diploma but still no idea what to study? In this case, the website “Studying in Chemnitz” (www.studium-in-chemnitz.de) of Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC) is the appropriate guide. This web portal is intended to arouse the curiosity of schoolchildren and prospective students about the university and its 95 courses, accompany them on their way to their studies and support them when they start their studies. Helpful information and tips are bundled for everything to do with the decision to study, starting your studies and beyond. The headings “Orientate and decide”, “Apply”, “Get started and get started”, “Participate, get involved” through to “Continue after your studies” make it easier to navigate on the website, which is also linked from the TUC homepage.

If you have further questions, you can contact the Hotline 0371 531-33333 turn around. Until mid-October 2023, applicants and students can apply from Monday to Friday 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m call the so-called “ServiceLine” and will be put through to an advisor. The team helps with questions about the courses at the TUC, but also about study requirements, application and admission deadlines, course structure and course, and the entire enrollment process.

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Anyone who would like further advice, be it on financing, on the dormitories of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau or on the content of their desired course of study, can go to a very special website Advice and support services at the TUC inform (www.tu-chemnitz.de/beratung). 125 frequently asked questions are also answered in a separate FAQ area of ​​the TUC student service (www.tu-chemnitz.de/studentenservice/faq.php).

Multimedia: Selected course videos can be found in a Playlist. There is an ideal platform for further exchange and networking with the university Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Further information issued by the Central Student Advisory Service of the TUC, telephone 0371 531-55555, e-mail [email protected], www.tu-chemnitz.de/studentenservice/zsb/kontakt.php.

Mario Steinebach

More articles on: prospective students, student union, students, pupils, center for teacher training, human and social sciences, faculty of philosophy, economics, computer science, electrical engineering and information technology, mechanical engineering, mathematics, natural sciences

All “TUCaktuell” messages
Note: The TU Chemnitz is present in many media. The media review gives an impression of how they report about the university.

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