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Common condolences to the murderer’s family Lea Garofalo – News

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Common condolences to the murderer’s family Lea Garofalo – News

A manifesto of closeness to the pain of the family for the death of Rosario Curcio, one of the killers of Lea Garofalo, who committed suicide in recent days. This is what the municipal administration of Petilia Policastro did on the occasion of Curcio’s funeral which took place last July 11 in Camellino, a hamlet of Petilia where he resided.

Curcio, definitively sentenced to life imprisonment in 2014 for the murder of Lea Garofalo, died last June 29 at the Milan Polyclinic where he had been hospitalized after a suicide attempt inside the Opera prison.

On the occasion of the funeral, among the many posters of proximity, that of the municipality of Petilia Policastro also appeared. “Mayor Simone Saporito and the municipal administration participate in the pain that has struck the Curcio family for the loss of their dear relative” is the sentence reported on the municipality’s manifesto which was a civil party in the trial for the death of Lea Garofalo. The same administration in office in recent months had also carried out a series of initiatives for legality in the name of Lea.

Mayor Simone Saporito, however, justifies the initiative: “Since the pandemic broke out, as the municipal administration we have made an agreement with the funeral homes to make posters of proximity for all the funerals that are celebrated in the city. L he opportunity to make a manifesto is in fact debatable, but we have made a manifesto for everyone.

Why not him? In the face of death, everyone is equal. Otherwise it would have been discriminatory not to do so.”

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