Home » Provincial Education Committee and Xi’an Municipal Government Organize Activities to Enhance Industry-Education Integration and Boost Employment and Entrepreneurship for College Graduates

Provincial Education Committee and Xi’an Municipal Government Organize Activities to Enhance Industry-Education Integration and Boost Employment and Entrepreneurship for College Graduates

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Title: “Provincial Education Committee and Xi’an Municipal Government Collaborate to Boost Employment and Entrepreneurship for College Graduates”

Date: July 13, 20XX

In an effort to enhance employment prospects and entrepreneurship opportunities for college graduates, a series of activities titled “Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education and Helping College Graduates Employment and Entrepreneurship” were held in Xi’an High-tech Zone on July 13. The event, sponsored by the Provincial Education Working Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Xi’an Municipal Government, saw the attendance of Wang Xiao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, who also witnessed significant signings and toured the museum.

The initiative aimed to implement the vision outlined in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions concerning the development of Shaanxi province. By capitalizing on the scientific and educational talent resources in Shaanxi and the industrial agglomeration in Xi’an High-tech Zone, it sought to accelerate the integration and development of the “Trinity” of educational science and technology talents, ultimately promoting fuller and higher-quality employment and entrepreneurship through the fusion of production and education.

The opening ceremony witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the promotion of the “Trinity” of education and technology talents between the Provincial Department of Education and Xi’an High-tech Zone. Additionally, a cooperation agreement was signed with Yanchang Petroleum. Prominently, the event unveiled four national education pilot demonstration zone projects undertaken by the high-tech zone, showcasing the achievements of universities and high-tech zone enterprises in terms of integration and innovation, personnel training, and the transformation of scientific and technological advancements.

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During the event, licenses were awarded to five modern industrial colleges, including BYD New Energy Automobile Industry College and BLT Industrial College. Notably, universities such as Xi’an Jiaotong University and Northwestern Polytechnical University inked agreements with enterprises in the high-tech zone, establishing innovation consortiums and scientific and technological achievement transformation projects. These initiatives will serve as a bridge for efficient cooperation between academic institutions and enterprises.

Parallel activities held on the same day included the Science and Technology Achievement Exhibition of Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province, the Special Recruitment Fair for High-tech Zone Employment of College Graduates in Shaanxi Province, and the Achievement Exhibition of Educational Science and Technology Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools in the High-tech Zone. These events fostered cooperation between stakeholders, encouraging the deepening integration of production and education while promoting joint and coordinated research efforts.

The collaborative efforts undertaken by the Provincial Education Working Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Xi’an Municipal Government indicate a collective commitment to address the employment challenges faced by college graduates. By leveraging the considerable scientific and industrial resources available, the series of activities held in Xi’an High-tech Zone have laid a strong foundation for enhanced employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. These initiatives will undoubtedly contribute to the region’s economic growth and prosperity, while bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Reporter: Guo Shimeng

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