Home » Cracking Down on Rumors: Central Cyberspace Administration of China Targets False Information Circulation

Cracking Down on Rumors: Central Cyberspace Administration of China Targets False Information Circulation

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Title: Chinese Authorities Crack Down on Rumor-Mongering Accounts to Safeguard Public Information Integrity

Source: Financial Circles
Date: July 15, 2023
Author: Guo Yanyan
Editor: Guo Yanyan RF12556

In an effort to combat the spread of misinformation and safeguard public information integrity, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China has taken strong measures to crack down on rumor-mongering accounts. Working closely with website platforms, the government agency has identified and dealt with 373 illegal accounts that have been fabricating and misinterpreting public policy information for personal gain.

One of the main focuses of the crackdown is to put an end to typical cases of rumor-mongering. These cases include the circulation of “stock market essay” rumors, which have had a detrimental impact on the stock market. Under the disguise of authority, these rumors have caused wild speculations and triggered significant market reactions. In response, rumor-mongering accounts such as “Li Xiafei” on WeChat, “Hippo Epic CL” on Weibo, and “Research Plus” on Xueqiu have been lawfully shut down.

Another notable case involves rumors surrounding the “National Leading Group for Strengthening Weaknesses”. Certain accounts falsely claimed to be affiliated with this group and spread misinformation about obtaining government subsidy funds. This false information interfered with the urbanization construction work order at the county level. As a result, rumor-mongering accounts such as “Rural Revitalization Demonstration Pilot Cheng Mugong” on Weibo have been closed down.

The crackdown also tackles rumors surrounding the social security card system. Misinformation claiming that different groups of people use different colors of social security cards has been widely circulated online. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security clarified that the national unified social security card has only one color and no differentiated functions. To tackle these rumors, accounts such as “3929737073” on Baidu and “Sally Tong” on Kuaishou have been banned.

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Addressing agricultural-related rumors, an online account fabricated a claim about Henan spending 490,000 yuan to help farmers transplant rice seedlings. The claim turned out to be false and was linked to farming activities in another province. Consequently, accounts such as “ttyoumaterial” on Douyin, “bibi blockchain knowledge sharing” on Bilibili, and “Shishifu” on Zhihu have been shut down.

Additionally, rumors surrounding the “social work certificate” have misled job seekers by claiming it provides advantages in the workplace, including priority admission as civil servants. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security clarified that the “Social Worker Certificate” is not an occupational qualification for entry or a guarantee of becoming a civil servant. Accounts promoting these rumors, such as “Teacher Su” on Douyin and “Xiaoxingxiake 6” on Weibo, have been banned.

Lastly, rumors about “Rice up the Mountain” have circulated on social media, linking images and videos of terraced fields to high-standard farmland construction. Authorities clarified that “Rice up the Mountain” refers to a specific cultivation technique, not land reclamation. Accounts such as “2340807944” on Kuaishou, “Open Eyes” on WeChat, and “Country CEO-Brother Yong” on Xiaohongshu have been banned for spreading these rumors.

The government’s crackdown also addressed rumors concerning “visual poverty”, including stories like children picking up bottles to pay for their tuition fees. After thorough investigation, it was revealed that these stories were misleading. The government had already exempted the children from tuition fees, provided free meals, and subsidized their living expenses. Accounts like “Country ~ Anming Sister” on Douyin and “Goat Kindness Action” on Kuaishou have been closed down.

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By taking decisive action against rumor-mongering accounts, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China aims to restore the public’s trust in information and ensure a more reliable online environment.

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