Home » AASH – Embodiment Of Chaos – Editor’s Pick

AASH – Embodiment Of Chaos – Editor’s Pick

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AASH – Embodiment Of Chaos – Editor’s Pick

Origin: Hamburg / Germany
Label: Anger Of Metal Records
Genre: Black / Death Metal
Influences from: Dissection, Naglfar, 1990s Black Metal
Side fact: It is not known in which bands Timo Espenhahn was involved before AASH

Photo Credit: Timo Espenhahn

What must happen that I like a dark bullet Embodiment Of Chaos surrender? The solution is relatively simple. You have to hear and feel the devotion and the music has to have a (black) soul.

In this specific case, this 34-minute EP unleashes emotions from long-gone musical times that were thought to have been buried. All of this happens in concentrated form on the first EP Embodiment Of Chaos des Blackened Death Metal Projektes AASH.

More than a first impression

But what does EP mean here? This designation suggests an appetizer of something big to come. But the musical event is already there. It seems to have matured in silence and sounds powerful from the speakers. Regarding the length of the game, one can only say that other bands of the genre have already had similar playing times to call their short projectiles not an EP but an album and still achieve cult character.

Anger Of Metal Records seem to have had a good nose right away and were the first to capture the ample half hour on a high-quality tape. The somewhat reserved-looking original cover, which is shown in the article above, was redesigned and upgraded with silver printing.

Even if the musical idea too AASH already sounds mature Timo Espenhahnthe man behind the one-man project, only started releasing material a year and a half ago.
Musically, he is characterized by the gift of giving the hard and fast black metallic compositions something soft and flowing through perfect guitar harmonies. In doing so, he audibly draws on references from the 1990s, which evokes these pleasant emotions and memories in one.

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Cooperation with a pioneer

The lethal feel to the seven numbers comes from a completely different direction. The North German succeeded for AASH with Redouane Aouameur to get a pioneer of extreme music from Algeria on board. That’s a stroke of luck, because Redouane Aouameur has his craft, or rather his voice, fully under control.

At home he is a pioneer of extreme black and death metal and can vocalize even the nastiest grind. In addition to his current work as a singer and guitarist Lelahell he was vocally involved in countless albums by bands and also works as a singing teacher in his home country.

So brings redouan not only one-sided extremes, but his vocals easily fly between the genres of death and black. Throated sounds and nasty yelling are just as much a part of it as deadly shouts. His share of the overall result should not be underestimated and so both musicians bring in a maximum Embodiment Of Chaos a.

Creative black energy

The creativity of Timo Espenhahn seems limitless, because according to his own statement, the entire music, the lyrics and all the instruments originate from his own cosmos. In the comparatively young band history of AASH more and more perfect numbers have been created in short sections.

As you can already read from the individual titles, the lyrics deal with ancient stories and sagas like Lethe or arise from mythology like Dunkelwaldwhich you HERE can hear. Befitting the black-metallic music there are also occult and bloody stories like the anthem Viva Vampyria.

It’s hard to pinpoint the highlights because there’s only 100 percent and not a single song that’s unjustified. Of course, the opener picks you up immediately with its sound of old days. Inquisition and I Spit on Your Grave shoot like hell and have a drumming at the speed of grandma’s old Singer sewing machine.

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In conclusion is An Ode To My Darkness with its anthemic and slightly melancholic character a worthy conclusion. Overall is Embodiment Of Chaos is a successful mixture of concentrated energy, melodic guitar lines and captivating vocals. After a long decision-making phase, there HERE the song at the end Lethewhich one next to Dunkelwald my favorite on the EP is.

According to the latest reports, the beautifully designed tape should be over Anger Of Metal other formats will follow. You have to AASH stay tuned, because the almost monthly output of new songs on his YouTube channel continues to promise great things.

Line Up
Timo Espenhahn – all instruments
Redouane Aouameur – vocal part

Bandcamp AASH
Youtube AASH

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