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Lose weight on vacation with walking? Yes you can!

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Lose weight on vacation with walking?  Yes you can!

Losing weight on vacation with walking is one popular and effective strategy that many individuals adopt. It’s a simple and accessible form of exercise that can provide impressive results. To help you make the most of your holiday period in terms of weight loss, we’ve rounded up some expert advice on how to maximize the benefits of walking. So, if you have a goal to shed those extra pounds, pay attention to these valuable tips.

Walking is a great way to burn calories

Walking is a great way to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. By incorporating just 30 minutes of brisk walking into your daily routine, you can burn about 150 additional calories. Increasing the duration and intensity of your walks can further improve your calorie burn. If you’re new to walking, start with shorter, light-intensity walks and gradually work your way up to longer, more vigorous walks.

Lose weight on holiday with walking: expert advice

Let’s delve into expert advice for effective weight loss through walking, starting withimportance of varying the terrain. Walking on different surfaces like hills or sand can increase your calorie burn and provide a more challenging workout. Furthermore, alternate walking speedinserting intervals of faster walking and engaging the arms during the walk can further intensify the workout and increase calorie burn.

Walking with a friend who shares your weight loss goals can provide motivation, accountability and make your walks more enjoyable. Setting goals, both small and long-term, can keep you motivated and focused on achieving specific goals. It’s also essential to take advantage of walking opportunities throughout the day, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

To improve your walking routine, consider the inclusion of resistance exercises, lift your knees with each step and focus on climbing or walking uphill. These techniques can help you burn more calories, strengthen your muscles, and improve your overall fitness. Listening to audiobooks or podcasts while walking can make your walks more engaging and extend the duration of your workout.

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Remember to prioritize your nutrition by increasing your protein intake and consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables. These food choices promote muscle development, increase metabolism, and provide essential nutrients for optimal health. Gradually building up your walking routine over time is critical to long-term success, and including walking meditation can help reduce stress and increase mindfulness during your walks.

Choose to walk at dawn or dusk it can improve the quality of sleep, with positive effects on weight loss efforts, stress management and food cravings. Finally, don’t stress if you don’t reach your daily step goal. Focus on gradually increasing your weekly average and celebrate the progress you make along the way.


Walking is a powerful tool for weight loss, offering numerous physical and mental health benefits. By following these expert tips, you can optimize your walking routine and achieve your weight loss goals. So lace up your walking shoes, get outdoors, and embark on your journey to a fitter, healthier you.


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Photo by Debby Hudson / Jorge Zapata / Tim Mossholder


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