Home » Lena has had no life since vaccinations: “There are days when I can only lie down”

Lena has had no life since vaccinations: “There are days when I can only lie down”

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Lena has had no life since vaccinations: “There are days when I can only lie down”

Lena S. was on her way to the hairdresser when she fell off her bike: “It happened in slow motion, my legs were suddenly numb”. That was in the summer of 2021, a few weeks after the corona vaccinations that she received every six weeks.

Lena, whose name was changed by the editors, led an active life until the first vaccination. The 40-year-old was very sporty, loved jogging and stand-up paddling. “I was just on the road a lot, was able to meet friends, travel.” It’s different today.

Post-vac syndrome: Desperation can be heard from Lena’s words

A doctor diagnosed Lena S. with post-vaccination syndrome, a collective term for long-lasting, paralysis-like symptoms after a vaccination. She also suffers from the multi-organ disease ME/CFS.

Lena S. keeps saying that you have to see everything in a sporty way, but you can feel that there is also desperation – and sadness for the old life. How much her illnesses have determined her life in the last 24 months can be seen from the many medicines lying next to her.

It took her a long time to find the right medication and doctors who take her seriously.

In addition, S. was diagnosed with polyneuropathy, i.e. a nerve disorder in the legs and hands, and a metabolic disease. She said she had none of that before July 13, 2021, the day she had the injection at Hamburg’s Moderna vaccination center.

Lena: “I had no previous illnesses. I even went to my family doctor for a check-up shortly before the vaccination – nothing out of the ordinary.”

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She noticed that something was wrong almost immediately after the first vaccination. Just three hours after she cycled home from the vaccination center, her body began to tingle, her joints became stiff, “it felt like I imagine rheumatism,” says S.. She went to an emergency practice that same evening and asks for help.

At the second vaccination she had “stomach ache”

She is sent home with a prescription for an antibiotic. Although the pain doesn’t subside and her fingers are still numb, six weeks later she has herself vaccinated a second time, again with Moderna.

“I had a stomach ache,” she says today. After that she got worse.

Friends began to worry about her. “I was just always so exhausted and couldn’t really remember anything anymore.” When she got a nosebleed one evening that just wouldn’t stop, a friend called the emergency doctor.

“I didn’t get the impression that the doctors didn’t want to help me”

S. is in the hospital in Altona for five days, and although she has the feeling that the doctors believe her when she says the word “vaccination damage” for the first time, she is not really helped. “My impression was not that the doctors didn’t want to help me, but that they couldn’t.”

She’s probably right. One year after the pandemic, there is exactly one post-Covidien outpatient clinic in Germany that also treats vaccine damage, at the University Hospital in Marburg. She is led by Professor Dr. Bernhard Schieffer. The outpatient clinic was opened in spring 2021.

Professor Schieffer does not want to say on the phone whether Lena S. is one of the rare cases who fell ill after vaccination with Covidien. However, the cardiologist does not rule out vaccine damage.

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Lena estimates: 50 visits to the doctor in two years since the vaccinations

Schieffer emphasizes that the number of patients is still small. Nevertheless, he says: “What I would wish for: It should have been said very clearly that this vaccination has side effects. If many millions of people are vaccinated, the incidence, i.e. the probability that side effects will occur, increases. You have to deal with this damage constructively, with the necessary research funds”.

Lena S. estimates that she has been to the doctor 50 times in the past two years before she finally received a diagnosis. Your life is very limited. Although nothing happened to her in the bicycle accident, the bike has been sitting in the basement unused ever since.

She also no longer trusts herself to drive a car because she cannot rely on her hands and legs always working. She is also very sensitive to light and noise. “There are days when I can only lie in a darkened room, that’s all I can do.”

You can read at mopo.de how Lena keeps her courage despite her problems and what great desire she has, apart from getting healthy

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