Home » Aubergine Rolls: A Delicious Summer Recipe You Must Try

Aubergine Rolls: A Delicious Summer Recipe You Must Try

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Aubergine Rolls: A Delicious Summer Recipe You Must Try

Title: Delicious and Easy Eggplant Rolls: Perfect for Summer

Subtitle: Aubergines in summer: good and delicious

Date: [current date]

By: [author]

Are you looking for a simple yet tasty dish that will impress your guests this summer? Look no further! We have a mouthwatering recipe for eggplant rolls that will delight your taste buds and leave your diners applauding.

Often, we believe that creating succulent dishes requires time and a long list of ingredients. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Sometimes, the most delightful dishes are found in the simplest recipes.

In this case, we bring you a truly delicious second course featuring the versatile eggplant. As the summer season is the perfect time to enjoy this special vegetable, we have curated a delightful and easy-to-make recipe that is accessible to everyone.

Whether it’s the famous parmigiana, stuffed boats, a timbale, or even using eggplant to enhance a pasta dish, the possibilities are endless. With a little imagination, you can create new and personal recipes with this versatile vegetable.

Now, let’s dive into the recipe for these delectable eggplant rolls.

Eggplant Rolls Recipe:

– 4 aubergines
– 1 onion
– Parsley
– 400g minced meat
– Salt
– Black pepper
– Chili powder
– 200ml cream
– 2 eggs
– 4 tablespoons flour
– Oil for frying
– 1 jar of yogurt
– 2 liters of water

1. Slice the aubergines as shown in the picture.
2. Place the slices on a plate and season generously with salt. Cover with a cloth and let them rest for 1 hour.
3. Finely chop the parsley and onion, and put them in a large bowl along with the minced meat. Season with salt, black pepper, and chili powder. Mix well.
4. Wash the aubergine slices in a bowl of water and pat them dry with paper towels.
5. Stuff each aubergine slice with the meat mixture. Roll the slice on itself and secure with a toothpick.
6. In a small bowl, mix cream, eggs, yogurt, chili powder, and flour to prepare the sauce.
7. Spread the sauce on the eggplant rolls.
8. Fry the rolls in hot oil over medium heat until golden. Remove from heat.
9. Your delicious eggplant rolls are now ready to be served.

To complement the flavors of the eggplant rolls, we recommend pairing them with a glass of Frappato or Nero d’Avola. These wines beautifully balance the combination of vegetables and meat in this dish.

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So, without further ado, grab your apron and start cooking these delectable eggplant rolls. We guarantee they will be a hit!

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