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Controversial British Law Denies Asylum to Illegal Migrants, Sparks Outrage from Human Rights Groups

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Controversial British Law Denies Asylum to Illegal Migrants, Sparks Outrage from Human Rights Groups

Title: British Parliament Approves Contentious Law Denying Asylum to Illegal Migrants

Subtitle: Human rights groups and the UN criticize the decision

Date: July 20, 2023

A controversial law was passed this week by the British Parliament, denying asylum and refuge to migrants who have entered the country illegally. The move has been met with strong criticism from human rights organizations and the United Nations.

On July 18, the British Parliament adopted a new law that severely restricts access to asylum for those who have entered the country illegally. Under the law, illegal migrants would be promptly expelled to a third country, such as Rwanda, regardless of their country of origin.

The initiative was put forth by Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who had campaigned on tackling illegal immigration through the English Channel from North Africa. This law now prohibits illegal migrants from applying for asylum in the country.

The law faced several obstacles in Parliament, with the House of Lords requesting amendments to better protect the rights of minors who are illegally brought to British territory. However, it is expected to be ratified by King Carlos III without major hurdles.

The United Nations has expressed deep concerns about the significant implications of this law for individuals in need of international protection. Migrants expelled under the new regulation will have no guarantee of receiving necessary support and protection in the receiving country.

The planned expulsions to Rwanda are set to be carried out through deportation flights, although implementation is not expected to commence until January 2024. However, the final decision will depend on an upcoming ruling from the Supreme Court of Rwanda.

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In 2022, Britain saw a record influx of 45,756 immigrants, primarily through the English Channel route. This year, over 40% of arrivals have been individuals crossing in small boats from Albania, which the British government considers a “safe” European country.

The approval of this controversial law reflects the British government’s determination to address the issue of illegal immigration. However, human rights organizations and the United Nations continue to criticize the legislation, raising concerns about the lack of protection and support for vulnerable migrants in need of international assistance.

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