Home » The contribution of the haciendas and slave mines of the provinces of Popayán and Chocó during the wars of Independence

The contribution of the haciendas and slave mines of the provinces of Popayán and Chocó during the wars of Independence

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The contribution of the haciendas and slave mines of the provinces of Popayán and Chocó during the wars of Independence

The contribution of the haciendas and slave mines of the provinces of Popayán and Chocó during the wars of Independence

Roger Pita Pico, Colombian Academy of History.

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Within the framework of the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Colombia, this paper examines the contribution of the haciendas and the slave mines of the provinces of Chocó and Popayán during the process of Independence, both on the Republican side and on the Spanish side.

So then, we try to analyze how the capacity of these productive units was used to strengthen and finance the armies in the campaign by contributing foot of force, provisions and labor for infrastructure works.

In the end, it was observed how these epicenters of production showed a state of devastation as a product of the prolonged war that was experienced in these lands of western and southern Colombia.


Introduction, The contribution of slave farms, The contribution of slaves in the mines, Slave labor on roads and infrastructure works, Slaves confiscated to finance the war, As a reflection

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