Home » Torrid heat, fought with food: what to bring to the table during the hottest days of the year

Torrid heat, fought with food: what to bring to the table during the hottest days of the year

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Torrid heat, fought with food: what to bring to the table during the hottest days of the year

The more the years go by, the more temperatures increase: here’s how to reduce the heat thanks to nutrition.

Those who suffer from the heat always look for solutions to be able to support such high temperatures. One of the various possibilities is that of rely on proper nutrition to be able to cool off and suffer less from summer temperatures.

With these hot temperatures, in fact, not only must you pay particular attention to the foods, but also – and above all, we would dare to say – their quantities, given that in the heat, we tend to eat less during the day and gorge ourselves in the evening when it’s cooler.

To avoid these incorrect behaviors, the nutritionist biologist and food technologist Veronica di Gaetano confided her advice.

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It is well known that during the summer it is essential to drink to stay hydrated and, in addition to the drinks you can choose from, you can also eat of foods that can ensure good hydration as well as a supply of natural sugars. In this way, both a supply of energy and mineral salts can be made, which are lost with sweat. The foods in question are different types of fruit, dried fruit, cured ham and salmon.

What to put at the table in this heat – tantasalute.it

If these foods don’t fall within your personal tastes, you can also opt for cold infusions without added sugar and which can be easily found at the supermarket, but which can just as easily be made at home thanks to a slice of lemon or red fruits.

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Veronica di Gaetano then talks about anti-suffocation lunch affirming the importance of cold dishes. Big salads are excellent, provided they are varied and balanced. So green light to potatoes, olives, cereals, chicken nuggets to guarantee the protein intake, without forgetting the vegetable fibers and the water intake perhaps with cucumbers and tomatoes “. explained to Foggia Today.

Furthermore, it is important don’t forget about carbohydrates to associate with salads. Using a side dish, in fact, helps to reduce quantities, an effective solution also to avoid drowsiness after lunch. But be careful not to want to compensate with large quantities of pasta or pizza in the evening, as it is important to always maintain a certain balance. Also you have to try to respect the regular hours as much as possible to help your body maintain a balanced rhythm, also useful against the heat.

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