Home » “You will have to say goodbye to wine”. Instead of vineyards? Date plantations

“You will have to say goodbye to wine”. Instead of vineyards? Date plantations

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“You will have to say goodbye to wine”.  Instead of vineyards?  Date plantations

Date plantations instead of vineyards: soon a farewell to wine due to the climate

Bad news for wine lovers: for the sector there is in fact an apocalyptic forecast to say the least, given by Luca Mercalli, meteorologist. Which in the near future he sees date plantations instead of vineyards

Focusing, in an interview with La Stampa, on the climatic anomaly of summer 2023, he says: “We cannot yet base our speeches on statistics. It’s still too early, summer has just begun. We will be able to make a final balance in September and now we can only look month by month “, underlining that in June there were “many who thought it was cool, instead it was among the hottest in 220 years, again according to Cnr data. Only that it was very cloudy and nobody noticed this heat”.

According to Mercalli, who chairs the Italian Meteorological Society, the heat waves of recent weeks are the result of climate change: “It is the symptom par excellence. With global warming the first symptom is the heat wave. Not only in Italy. All over the world: in China they exceeded 50 degrees, think of the fires in Canada, which had never been of that size; then we have the oceans, which have never been warmer. Especially the Atlantic, which is at its all-time high: 4.6 millimeters per year is the world average of ocean growth”. According to Mercalli, what does all of this entail? “The planet” – he underlines -“it is freaking out, with very serious consequences for agriculture, energy, health, migration. Life will change completely. Think of the vineyards of Piedmont, which will no longer exist, we will grow dates”.

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