Home » The Zenith Passage – Datalysium

The Zenith Passage – Datalysium

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The Zenith Passage – Datalysium

(c) Stephanie Cabral

Almost seven years after the release of their first and so far only album “Solipsist”. The Zenith Passage hardly recognizable. Only guitarist and keyboardist Justin McKinney is still on board, but now former members of The Faceless are getting involved. Metal Blade is the new home for the complex, sophisticated tech-death sound of the US band based on „Datalysium“ venture even further out of their comfort zone.

A two-parter shows how far The Zenith Passage have come. “Divinertia I” progresses in leisurely brutality, unleashing pointed pressure waves that are hard to resist. Subtle melodies, rough banging and furious, hoarse vocals let musical worlds collide. The game with a slow pace sets a pleasantly different focus, the track rolls on twice as powerfully. In “Divinertia II” the imaginary switch flips relatively quickly, progressive brutality meets string witchcraft before hell opens a rotten gate at the end.

But it can also be short and sweet, as “Lexicontagion” shows in an impressive way. And yet there is so much happening here that other bands don’t have on entire albums. Especially the quiet, filigree instrumental part, the proverbial eye of the storm, is really good, before the monumental “Synaptic Depravation” starts after a short eruption. An eerie atmosphere, cautious advances and ominous extreme metal descents come together. That goes beyond any Tech Death expectations, which is absolutely fine. In the concluding title song, on the other hand, the events overturn themselves, especially when classic prog solos shoot up the technically adept brutal endurance run.

You never really know what’s lurking around the next corner, but that’s where the fascination lies. “Datalysium” is an elusive, often spontaneous and self-destructive record that tears everything apart at the right moment before the desire for atmosphere and intensity regains the imaginary upper hand. Brutal and brutal, filigree and dark, and also breaking all tech limits: The Zenith Passage are actually a new band that continues to focus on their old qualities, but rethinks and significantly expands them. A noticeable improvement on all levels, an immersive experience of the breathtaking variety – that’s more than fun.

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Rating: 8/10

Available from: 07/21/2023
Available through: Metal Blade (Sony Music)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheZenithPassage

Tags: datalysium, progressive death metal, review, tech death, technical death metal, the zenith passage

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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