Home » Waste-to-energy plant in Rome: the Tar rejects the appeals. Bitter tears for Raggi

Waste-to-energy plant in Rome: the Tar rejects the appeals. Bitter tears for Raggi

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Waste-to-energy plant in Rome: the Tar rejects the appeals.  Bitter tears for Raggi

Rome waste-to-energy plant, the Tar rejects the appeals. The usual Raggi against, the mayor Roberto Gualtieri rejoices

The Tar rejected all the appeals presented by the usual “no everything” committees and by some municipalities in the Castelli Romani area – including that of Albano – which were trying to prevent the construction in Santa Palomba of the waste-to-energy plant of the group of companies led by That Ambienteowned by the municipality itself.

The mayor of Rome Robert Gualtieri he exults: “That of the Tar is an important decision that we welcome with great favour. We were confident of the strength of the arguments, of the solidity of the administrative procedure that has started and will therefore continue…” A city without plants is a city that cannot have a functioning ordinary collection system and is a city that among other things pollutes and emits CO2“.

According to the administrative judges: “The resolution of issues related to waste management of Rome capital city and the closure of the cycle, also ensured by a rationalization and construction of new plants, including including the waste-to-energy plant”. The sentence also refers to the neighbor Jubilee due to a foreseeable increase in the flow of individuals.

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