Home » He does not ask for the Green pass from two customers, fined by the owner of a bar in Sappada

He does not ask for the Green pass from two customers, fined by the owner of a bar in Sappada

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SAPPADA. Fine of 400 euros for the owner of the Posta bar in Sappada for failing to check the Green pass inside the restaurant in Borgata Palù. The incident happened on the afternoon of Wednesday 17 August.

When the carabinieri of the Nas of Udine showed up for a check, there were two people in the room who did not have the mandatory green certification starting from last August 6 to access the public establishments.

“I am very sorry – says the owner of the bar Christopher Vettorato – because we always ask our customers to show us the Green pass. In this case a gentleman had asked me for a coffee at the counter and then, not even time to prepare it, he sat at the table and another lady, who had the message of the vaccination completed, had not downloaded the QR-code and therefore , in fact, it appeared before the Green pass “.

“It is not always easy to monitor everything – he concludes -, when we usually always ask for certification. It is really an absurd situation and we are very bitter ”.

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