Home » Melanoma, how to notice it in time: signs and symptoms that should never be underestimated

Melanoma, how to notice it in time: signs and symptoms that should never be underestimated

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Melanoma, how to notice it in time: signs and symptoms that should never be underestimated

Melanoma the characteristics to observe to understand if moles and skin spots turn into melanoma attention to detail.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can develop from melanocytes, the cells that produce skin pigment, but how can it be recognized?

It is considered the most dangerous type of skin cancer due to its potential to spread to other organs. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to recognize the signs of melanoma in a timely manner in order to be able to intervene as soon as possible.

How to recognize melanoma, the characteristics

When it comes to melanoma, the stain where he mole on the skin they are often the main indicators. However, not all moles or skin spots are necessarily cancerous. In any case it is better to check and map the moles at least once a year to check that everything is normal and there are no significant changes, such as to suspect melanoma.

Melanoma, how to recognize the danger – Tantasalute.it

It is important to know the following risk factors and skin changes that may suggest the presence of a potential melanoma:

If the mole or spot on the skin has a asymmetrical shape, i.e. one half looks different than the other, it could be a sign of melanoma. Normal skin patches tend to be round and symmetrical in shape. A melanoma can present uneven and blurred edges, unlike benign moles which usually have regular and well-defined contours. If a spot or mole has a uneven color, with various shades of brown, black, red or blue, it could be a cause for concern. Benign moles often have a uniform color. A melanoma tends to increase in size over time, then pay attention to rapid or uncontrolled growth of a mole or a spot. If a spot or a mole changes over time in terms of shape, size, color or associated symptoms such as itching, bleeding or pain, it is important to consult a doctor. If there are first-degree relatives (mother, father, brothers or sisters) who have had melanoma, it is essential to be more attentive to skin signs. Genetic predisposition can increase the risk of developing this form of cancer.Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can increase the risk of melanoma. It’s important to protect your skin with broad-spectrum sunscreen, wear wide-brimmed hats, and protective clothing. But it’s also important to limit your exposure to the sun during peak hours.Look closely at any skin lesions that look unusual. For example, a non-healing wound, lump, blister or scab that persists for more than a few weeks. These lesions could be early signs of melanoma.

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It is crucial to emphasize that only a dermatologist can confirm the presence of melanoma through an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you notice any suspicious changes on your skin. Early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of successful treatment of melanoma.

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