Home » When is it best to put on deodorant | Magazine

When is it best to put on deodorant | Magazine

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When is it best to put on deodorant |  Magazine

Do you know when is the best time to apply deodorant?

Izvor: fizkes/Shutterstock.com

Due to high temperatures and air humidity, we sweat much more. Then we resort to deodorant to eliminate unpleasant odors, however, Dr. Shari Lipner points out that most of them use them incorrectly. Most often, people put them on in the morning, before going to work or starting their duties.

However, that is not correct! For health reasons, we should apply deodorant in the evening.

“We sweat less at night, so the antiperspirant can come into closer contact with the sweat glands and reduce sweating,” said Dr. Lipner.

However, in addition, it is necessary to use an antiperspirant (rollon) and not a traditional deodorant, because the former prevents sweating and odor, while the latter only blocks unpleasant odors. Antiperspirants work by creating a plug near the top of the sweat glands, limiting the amount of sweat that breaks the surface of our skin. At night, and especially after showering, the antiperspirant has more time to strengthen the plugs and prevent sweat.

Dr. Lipner added that you won’t need to apply antiperspirant in the morning if you follow this method. One study found that antiperspirant can reduce sweat for up to a day.


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