Home » Light chocolate pudding: the recipe with only 150 calories

Light chocolate pudding: the recipe with only 150 calories

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No one would think of eating chocolate pudding without gaining weight, but this recipe only has 150 calories. Let’s find out how to make light chocolate pudding

What is the recipe for light chocolate pudding

Chocolate pudding has always been the most popular dessert since childhood. We waited for the snack to enjoy it cold from the fridge. As we grow up, of course, these habits are lost, because we give greater importance to physical fitness.

The recipes that we find around are in fact a bomb of calories, and we certainly can’t always afford it. Yet the chocolate pudding is that dessert that goes well at any time of the day. Both for breakfast, as a snack and as a dessert!

There is nothing better than inviting friends over and offering them such a tasty after dinner. And if it’s low in calories, it becomes perfect!

So let’s find out this together recipe for light chocolate pudding, super tasty and with only 150 kcal.

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Light chocolate pudding: the recipe

The recipe for chocolate pudding is really simple, because the ingredients are easy to find, and above all si prepare quickly. You just have to leave it in the fridge for a few hours to create the right consistency to bring it to the table.

It must be soft enough to melt in the mouth ad every bite. So let’s find out what the ingredients are

Low calorie chocolate pudding ingredients

450 ml of low-fat milk

150 ml of water

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30 gr of sweetener Stevia or Erythritol (alternatively 60 grams of brown sugar but the calories will be more)

40 gr of amaro cocoa

120 gr of 70% dark chocolate

A little bit of polvere Agar Agar

A pinch of sbut

Preparation of light chocolate pudding

As a first step, take un small saucepan and heat the milk, with water and sweetener, on medium flame.

In a separate container dissolve the cocoa with 4 tablespoons of water, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained e add it to the mixture of milk and water. Then add also dark chocolate until its complete fusion.

Separately, mix the Agar Agar powder with a tablespoon of water and pour into the mixture. Then bring toboil the entire mixture for about 3 minutes.

light chocolate pudding
What is the recipe for light chocolate pudding

In the end pour the mixture into the mold and wait for it to cool before putting it in the fridge. We must then leave it cool in the fridge for about two hours.

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