Home » Pnrr, the control room over: the news on the proposed change

Pnrr, the control room over: the news on the proposed change

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Pnrr, the control room over: the news on the proposed change

The control room on the Pnrr which was held at Palazzo Chigi is over. The summit was attended by several ministers, among them – according to reports – Matteo Salvini, Adolfo Urso, Gilberto Pichetto and Giancarlo Giorgetti who spoke remotely. The meeting lasted just over half an hour.

«The proposed modification that we are putting in place concerns 144 measures. There are formal changes and reprogramming of resources within the same measure». Thus the Minister for EU Affairs Raffaele Fitto during the press conference at Palazzo Chigi at the end of the summit. Specifically, the minister clarified that the revision of the Pnrr that will be submitted to the EU commission includes “measures that it is proposed to definance from the Pnrr and to safeguard through coverage with other sources of funding, such as the national plan complementary to the Pnrr and the funds of the cohesion policies» «For some interventions», Fitto continued, «significant criticalities have emerged which do not allow confirmation of the funding under the Plan. In this context, the Government activates the necessary measures to reprogram resources in favor of interventions that are coherent and achievable within the foreseen times and, at the same time, ensure the complete financing of the interventions removed from the PNRR”. “We have not eliminated anything, we have only reorganized it”, summed up the minister, who announced that he will be in the Chamber on Tuesday 1 July to “start a constructive debate”.

The postponed measures
Interventions for the enhancement of the territory and the energy efficiency of Municipalities for 6 billion, urban regeneration projects for 3.3 billion, integrated urban plans for 2.5 billion, management of flood risk and hydrogeological risk for 1.287 billion, hydrogen in hard-to-abbot sectors worth 1 billion, community social services and infrastructure for 725 million, promotion of innovative plants (including offshore) for 675 million, enhancement of assets confiscated from the mafias for 300 million, protection and enhancement of urban and extra-urban for 110 million. These are the 9 measures that jump (in whole or in part considering the total investments) from the Pnrr for a total of around 15.9 billion.

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They come out of the 2026 deadline of the Pnrr the Rome-breaking latest news railway section, two lots of the Palermo-Catania line and a part of the investments for the ERTMS (European rail traffic management system). The resources will be used on other lots of the Naples-Bari and Palermo-Catania sections. This is what is reported by a note from MIT released at the end of the control room at Palazzo Chigi. MIT underlines that the over 39 billion of financial resources to be allocated to infrastructure and transport systems will be fully spent, as scheduled.

Repower: 4 billion for superbonus but only for low incomes
The funding will end up in RepowerEU, the new Pnrr plan dedicated to energy autonomy. One of the most qualifying points of the REPowerEU Plan concerns the Ecobonus, expressly dedicated to private homes. The measure will have a budget of 4 billion euros. This is what emerges from the summary released during the press conference. “The measure will support low-income families, which in the past were excluded from housing efficiency measures – reads the summary – and is based on the usual tax deductions, but, unlike in the past, with stringent constraints that will make them available only to low-income groups.

The nursery knot
“The measure of nursery schools has been strengthened for a total amount of a further 900 million”. This was stated by the Minister of European Affairs Raffaele Fitto. “The measure was penalized by the increase in raw material costs and by critical issues that emerged in the various tenders – said Fitto – for which the measure was strengthened for the total amount of 900 million euros, necessary to launch a new tender and to achieve the final target, in line with the Commission’s guidelines’.

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The protest of the Municipalities
«We learned today that, as part of the restructuring of funding, it is proposed to transfer 13 billion euros of Pnrr funds to the RePower EU program that had been assigned to the Municipalities, with the commitment that other funding sources will be found for the three lines of intervention for small and medium-sized works, for urban regeneration and for the Integrated Urban Plans of large cities». This was stated by the president of Anci Antonio Decaro after the control room on the Pnrr. “It is news that affects us a lot. Municipalities ask for guarantees.

“We await the changes by August,” reads a note from the European Union.

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