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No more sweaty feet – Eight simple tips help immediately

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No more sweaty feet – Eight simple tips help immediately

Feet go through a lot over the course of a lifetime. Especially in summer they are exposed to hardships. Read here which simple tips you can use to care for your feet.

Our feet carry us reliably through life. But not only on extreme hikes, we also expose them to all sorts of hardships in normal everyday work. They often only get the attention they need when they hurt, itch or are injured.

The following tips for healthy feet will ensure that your feet stay healthy and beautiful.

1. Go barefoot

No matter how chic, robust or comfortable our footwear is, our feet feel most comfortable without them. In everyday life, it is often not so easy to do without sturdy shoes.

However, you should not miss an opportunity to go barefoot. This is not only good for the feet, but also helps the whole body, even the immune system benefits from regular barefoot walking.

2. In the tub

A foot bath has a relaxing effect after a long day on your feet, and with the right ingredients can even be used effectively against sweaty feet, athlete’s foot and other problems.

A soda footbath, for example, supports the treatment of nail fungus and also softens the callus so that corns can be removed more easily.

3. Coconut oil against athlete’s foot

If you’ve caught athlete’s foot in the pool or gym locker room, there’s no need to resort to chemicals.

Regular creaming with coconut oil is just as beneficial. The antifungal fat not only chases away infection but also makes feet soft and supple.

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4. Coffee grounds against nail fungus and smelly shoes

The shoes smell unpleasant? Just sprinkle in some dried coffee grounds and let it sit overnight. The next morning, the coffee powder has absorbed the unpleasant odors and can even be used as organic fertilizer.

Coffee grounds can also be good for your feet in the form of homemade coffee soap. The ointment is excellent against athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

5. Rich care for the night

Even if you bathe, care for and apply lotion to your feet regularly, it is sometimes good to get particularly intensive care overnight.

With a homemade foot butter that you apply in the evening before going to bed, the troubled calluses are literally rejuvenated. You get up the next morning with rested, fresh feet.

6. Essential oils for feet

Foot care with essential oils can help alleviate foot problems in many different ways – from sweaty feet to tired feet after too much exertion to just a feeling of freshness in between.

7. What helps against warts?

Even with the best care, it can happen that you get infected with a wart. In the pharmacy or online there are numerous quite radical wart remedies. If you prefer to try home remedies, you can use banana peels, apple cider vinegar or garlic against the warts, for example.

8. Get rid of corns

Equally annoying are corns, which are caused by constant pressure on a certain area. Although in principle it is nothing more than cornification of the affected skin areas, corns can be very painful. Did you know that a simple onion treatment can help?

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